Kings, the esteemed sovereigns of their realms, govern with a blend of wisdom, strength, and authority. Their reigns shape the destiny of nations, leaving legacies that bear both triumphs and tribulations.
- For the main article on kings, see King.
This is a topic category for King.
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- Aldamir
- Aldazar
- Aldor the Addled
- Aldor the Old
- Amdír Malgalad
- Amlaith of Fornost
- Amroth son of Amdír
- Amâv
- Anardil of Gondor
- Andai Inda'eir
- Anárion Elendilion
- Ar-Abattârik
- Ar-Adûnakhôr
- Ar-Belzagar
- Ar-Gimilzôr
- Ar-Pharazôn
- Ar-Sakalthôr
- Ar-Zimrathôn
- Aragorn Elessar
- Arandil of Cardolan
- Arantar of Arnor
- Araphant
- Araphor of Arthedain
- Araval of Arthedain
- Araw
- Argeleb I of Arthedain
- Argeleb II
- Arvedui of Arthedain
- Arvegil
- Arveleg I
- Arveleg II
- Ashûrz
- Atakúl-Sey
- Atanatar I of Gondor
- Atanatar II Alcarin
- Avas I
- Azog 1 the Slayer
- Azog 2 the Defiler
- Bain of Dale
- Baisheûin
- Balin son of Fundin
- Balkhmog
- Balli Wildtongue
- Baragûr
- Bard Dwarf-friend
- Bavór the Cold
- Beleg of Arthedain
- Belgor
- Benor
- Beogrin
- Bergund
- Bern
- Bhalli Goldeneye
- Bhûm
- Bladorthin Koldana
- Bladorthin the Great
- Bornmîr
- Brand Bainson
- Brego the Old
- Broccach I
- Brytta Léofa
- Brôn the Clumsy
- Buldin
- Báin son of Bild
- Bân son of Brôn
- Bân son of Tâlm
- Bân VII
- Bârna I
- Bârna II
- Bôrna
- Bôrthan-Hûz
- Edhelion of Rhudaur
- Eldacar of Arnor
- Eldacar of Gondor
- Eldarion Telcontar
- Elegost of Rhudaur
- Elendil Telcontar
- Elendil the Tall
- Elendur of Arnor
- Elenthorn
- Elessar II
- Elfwine the Fair
- Elros Tar-Minyatur
- Elu Thingol
- Eorl the Young
- Eärendil of Gondor
- Eärendur of Arnor
- Eärnil I of Gondor
- Eärnil II of Gondor
- Eärnur of Gondor
- Fengel of Rohan
- Feyil Goldhair
- Fhrên
- Fingolfin
- Fingon the Valiant
- Finrod Felagund
- Finwë Ñoldóran
- Folca the Hunter
- Folcwine of Rohan
- Forodagnir
- Fréa the Old
- Fréalaf Hildeson
- Fréawine Fréason
- Fulla Firehammer
- Fulla I
- Fulla II Stormdodger
- Fulla III
- Fulla of Barak-Shathûr
- Fulla VII Stonehand
- Fulla XIII New-King
- Fulla XIV
- Fárin son of Bórin
- Fëanáro Curufinwë
- Gaerendil Frik
- Galadhion of Rhudaur
- Gerse
- Ghâl Drûinakh
- Gil-galad
- Girion Geiriarn
- Girion the Black
- Glêm
- Glóin of Moria
- Glóin son of Thorin
- Glôrm Lastking
- Goldwine
- Gordúf
- Gorkin the Goblin-King
- Gothólin
- Gram the Fierce
- Grarfim
- Grimtok
- Grár of Nibbin-grod
- Grór son of Dáin
- Grôblog
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- Gûra Gêm
- Gûrim
- Gûrn Gamil