The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives


Ainu Instruments[]

Flutes Golden horns Great Horn Harp Lyre Rôma Sea-shell horns Trumpets

Drûghu Instruments[]

Drum Rin-Ka Shiki

Dwarven Instruments[]

Bell Clarinet Drum Ketham Little fiddle Flute Harp Horn Bass Viol Nibar Rakh Samakh Silmi Tabar Trumpet Uhd Zakûz Zubur

Elven Instruments[]

Alapumba Aulos Bell Daial Elfin Horn Fiddle Flute conch shell horn Congregated harp Ganad Gannel Gong Great Trumpet Halfross Harp Hyalma Kalon Kantl Kilin Lapumba kilinke Likinda Liscath Little Harp Little trumpet Lute Lyre Nande nandelle Nell Nyelle Organ Piccolo Pipe Pipes of shell Qintl Quingi Reed-Pipe Rom Belaith Rom Cidinn Romba Ross Rotse salaqine Salaqintl Salma Salqin Salum sermar Silver Flute Silver trumpet Simpa simpina Sipenya Tambourine Tanta Tantila thimli Tifin Tombo Tontl tontilla Trumpet tumba Tumbe viol Viola Violin Whistle Wilbera

Eriadorian Instruments[]

Daen war-trumpet Fiddle Grebe

Haradrim Instruments[]

Bagpipe Drum Horn Oud Rebab Tambourine

Hobbit Instruments[]

Fiddle Finger-drum Flute Horn Pipe Rattle-Stick Trumpet

Easterling Instruments[]

Bells Great gongs Multi-chambered Drums Tambourine

Northron Instruments[]

Horn Rebec Tambourine

Númenórean Instruments[]

Bell Harp Horn Flute Lyra Organ Pipe Rebec Trumpet Viol Zîn

Orcish Instruments[]

Bells Brî Daul Drum Gong Horn Kepan Kumbon Lathi Lodar Nûdil Pataka Pûlpum Rash rattle rings rosh Shalûm Shumbî Thosbâb Whip

All items (75)
