- Type :Hobbit Village .
- Inhabitants :50 % Harfoot,40 % Fallohide,10 % Stoor.
- Population :360 .
- Origin :Settled during the migrations of Hobbits to the Shire ,T.A .1601-1610 .
- Purpose :An agricultural and pastoral community .
Set on the East-West Road, Hobbiton sees more strange travellers than most of the rural areas of the Shire. Mostly harmless.
Points of Interest or Places of Note[]
- Bag-End
- Bagshot Row
- Grocer
- Hobbiton Hill
- Hill Road
- Hobbiton Inn
- Hobbiton Road
- Ivy Bush inn
- Old Grange
- Hobbiton Mill
- Old Farm
- Party Field
- Under-Hill
- Wooden bridge
Families: Bagginses Boffins Brownlocks Chubbs Gamgees Goodbodys Goodchilds Rumbles Sandymans Twofoots
Characters: Anson Goodbody Bell Gamgee Bilbo Baggins Bingo Chubb Daddy Twoofoot Daisy Gamgee Frodo Baggins Gaffer Gamgee Griffo Boffin Halfred Gamgee Hamson Gamgee Lotho Sackville-Baggins May Brownlock May Gamgee Miller Sandyman Mugwort Sandyman Pearl Took Sam Gamgee Ted Sandyman Widow Rumble
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