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- Abbo Twofoot
- Adaldrida Bolger-Brandybuck
- Adalgrim Took
- Adam Hornblower
- Adela Took
- Adelard Took
- Agia of the Straw
- Alan Mugwort
- Alaric Brandybuck
- Alfrida Bolger
- Amalda Brandybuck
- Amanda Took
- Amaranth Brandybuck
- Amethyst Bolger
- Amethysta Proudfoot
- Andwise Roper
- Andy Grubb
- Angelica Baggins
- Anne Took
- Anson Goodbody
- Ben Appledore
- Arabella Took
- Arteveld Holman
- Athanaric Brandybuck
- Babbin Quillfoyle
- Folco Baggins
- Genoveva Baggins
- Posco Baggins
- Semolina Baggins
- Togo of the Bag
- Balbo Baggins
- Bandobras Took
- Basso Boffin
- Belba Bolger
- Belba Bracegirdle
- Bell Bracegirdle
- Bell Gamgee
- Belladonna Baggins
- Bellissima Brandybuck
- Bercilak Brandybuck
- Beregond of Tuckborough
- Berilac Brandybuck
- Bert Greenshin
- Bertan "Bert" of the Greenshins
- Berylla Baggins
- Bilbo Baggins
- Bilbo Gamgee
- Bill Butcher
- Bingo Baggins
- Bingo Chubb
- Blanco Fallowhide
- Bob the Ostler
- Bob Thistlewood
- Bob Wheathead
- Bodo Proudfoot
- Angrisa Boffin
- Griselda Boffin
- Lora Boffin
- Molly Boffin ( late third Age)
- Paladin Boffin
- Boffo North-took
- Boffo Took
- Bingo Bolger
- Clavis the Bulged
- Rollo Bolger
- Bowman Cotton
- Brago Took
- Jenny Brandybuck
- Marmaduke Brandybuck
- Theodoric Brandybuck
- Briffo Boffin
- Broca Took
- Brock of Longholes
- Broomhild Brownlock
- Bruno Bracegirdle
- Bucca of the Marish
- Bungo Baggins
- Buriwini the Proud Foot
- Camellia Baggins
- Caradoc Brandybuck
- Carambo Hornblower
- Caramella Boffin
- Caramella Bolger
- Carl Cotton I
- Carl Cotton II
- Carl Sandyman
- Catalina Baggins
- Celandine Brandybuck
- Celandine Took
- Charfew Chubb
- Chica Baggins
- Adamanta Took
- Chum Pearfoot
- Clarity Roper
- Coldomac Tunneller
- Colombo Hornblower
- Columba Whitfoot
- Conifera Grubb
- Cora Bolger
- Cosimo Chubb
- Cosimo Hornblower
- Cotman
- Cottar
- Dahlia North-Took
- Daisie Gamgee
- Daisy Boffin
- Daisy Bolger
- Daisy Chubb
- Daisy Gamgee I
- Daisy Gamgee II
- Daisy Proudfoot
- Daisy Sandyman
- Derry Broadleaf
- Diamond Took
- Diamonda Bracegirdle
- Annie Diggle
- Dina Bolger
- Dinodas Brandybuck
- Doderick Brandybuck
- Dodica Brockhouse
- Dodinas Brandybuck
- Donnamira Boffin
- Dora Baggins
- Droggo Nimblefingers
- Drogo Baggins
- Drogo Took
- Dudo Baggins
- Déagol
- Falco Chubb-Baggins
- Falco North-Took
- Faramir Gamgee
- Faramir Took
- Faramond Baggins
- Faramond Took
- Farmer Maggot
- Fastolph Bolger
- Fastred of Greenholm
- Fencon of the Bellager
- Ferdibrand Took
- Ferdinand Took
- Ferumbras Took II
- Ferumbras Took III
- Filibert Bolger
- Firiel Gamgee
- Flambard Took I
- Florence Took
- Folco Boffin
- Folco Burrows
- Fortinbras Took I
- Fortinbras Took II
- Fosco Baggins
- Fosco Boffin
- Fosco Took
- Freddi Grubb
- Fredegar Bolger
- Frigo Sackville-Baggins
- Frodo Baggins
- Frodo Gardner