- For the main article on Gondor, see Gondor.
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- Abedec's Watch
- Abân
- Achasirith
- Adab Elenmir
- Adab Luithad
- Adab Raudfern
- Adavalinda
- File:Adornriver.png
- Adrador of Dol Amroth
- Adrahil I of Dol Amroth
- Adrahil II of Dol Amroth
- Adrazar
- Adîrjan the Brute
- Adûnabâr
- Aegollant
- Aerien
- Aerost
- Aerthir
- Agar
- Aglahad of Dol Amroth
- Agrahil
- Aicawë
- Aivahati
- Alagrant
- Alatáriel daughter of Lothahil
- Aldamir
- Alec Vale
- Allegh
- Alphaelin
- Alphor I of Dol Amroth
- Alphros
- Aludor
- Amaron
- Amon Anglebed
- Amon Barad
- Amon Corch
- Amon Dîn
- Amon Gaerrych
- Amon Lontir
- Amonel
- Amrazil of Dol Amroth
- Amrod of Calenhad
- Amrothos II of Dol Amroth
- Amrothos III of Dol Amroth
- Amrothos IV of Dol Amroth
- Amrothros of Dol Amroth
- Amrûnaur
- An Côsa Brâs
- Anardil of Gondor
- Anbar Cilgir
- Anborn the Ranger
- Andrast
- Andreth of Minas Tirith
- Anfalas
- File:Anfalas by tumasch do4zp9.jpg
- Angelimir
- Anghabar (Gondor)
- Anglach of Minas Ithil
- Annon Drúin
- Annon Wain
- Annúbad
- Annúlond
- File:Anorien administration.jpg
- Ants
- Anusta Maldoviëtaro
- Anusta Mîrëcalo
- Anusta Suhtoviëtaro
- Anusta Voronetyaro
- Anwarbad
- Anárion Elendilion
- Anórien
- Arador of Erech
- Aragorn Elessar
- Araslant
- Argirion of Ithilien
- Argirion of Linhir
- Argonath
- Armiriel
- Arnandath
- Arnbâd
- Arobel
- Artamir of Gondor
- Arthor
- Arvaethor
- Arvandir
- Asgil-Golamir
- Asgon of Lamedon
- Atanacar Manhelm
- Atanatar I of Gondor
- Atanatar II Alcarin
- Avari
- Axandil
- Balibogach
- Balimur
- Balthórod
- Bandit Encampment (Lamedon)
- Bar Algund
- Bar Annúnaid
- Bar Calardan
- Bar Caraghîr
- Bar Dirnen
- Bar Elir
- Bar Engui
- Bar Errib
- Bar Ethir
- Bar Faroth
- Bar Gilcûdor
- Bar Gilraen
- Bar Harrest
- Bar Húrin
- Bar Iaur Dínen
- Bar Luimen
- Bar Luindol
- Bar Malduin
- Bar Melui
- Bar Metrast
- Bar Morthil
- Bar Morvegil
- Bar Mâlredh
- Bar Nethos
- Bar Nevduin
- Bar Norrond
- Bar Orchaldor
- Bar Rohglor
- Bar Rôcû
- Bar Serni
- Bar Tharhir
- Bar Tumladen
- Bar Tyliand
- Bar Uial
- Bar-en-Dinnen
- Bar-en-Mallrach
- Bar-lithyrn
- Bar-Tarannon
- Barad Dae
- Barad Harn
- Barad Ithilnen
- Barad Medui
- Barad Mircandor
- Barad Perras
- Barad Rasúllië
- Barad Rillen
- Barad Tarlang
- Barad Telagar
- Barahir of Ithilien
- Baramor
- Baranor of Ethir
- Baranor the Magician
- Bardhan
- Barfalas
- Bats
- Bay of Belfalas
- Bazk
- Beacon Hills
- Belechael
- Belecthor I of Gondor
- Beleg of Ithilien
- Belegorn of Gondor
- Belemir of Gondor
- Belfalas
- Belidin
- Benish Armon
- Benrodir
- Beranar
- Beregond of Gondor
- Berelach
- Beren of Gondor
- Berenar
- Bereneth
- Berthil
- Berúthiel
- Black Ox
- Blackroot Vale
- Blood-ring
- Blue bears
- Blue otters