large subterranean Fungi
Ambar was home to myriad of species of Funghi, some of them were edible and seen as delicacies by some peoples such as the Hobbits and many tribes of men, some were inedible or even poisonous.The Elves were known to have had a severe reluctance against Funghi and even to call them Orc-Plants.
- Banded Kalhu
- Bearded Fang
- Black Cackler
- blackheart
- Camadarch
- Corn rust
- Dalimor
- Deadly Akra
- Deadman's Eyes
- Dragon's Claw
- Dry Rot
- Dung-reveling Psarch
- eastern mold
- Giant Blackling
- Goat's Stinkhorn
- Goblin Lantern
- Gorkin
- Great Ironstem
- Green spotted mushroom
- Hina Moss
- Hopperfoot
- Inwetelumbe
- Landru
- Lemsang
- Luminous Kralk
- Madarch
- Malodorous Milkcup
- Mold
- Mud-wren
- Mustakun
- Naifoil
- Nightrod
- Orane-Cup Boletus
- Other-Eyes
- Peledhel
- Purple Trumpet
- red cap
- red spotted mushrum
- Shagu-bitter
- Skull-Cap
- skunk-cap
- Slimy Gorkin
- Slithering Retch
- Sorcerer's Butter
- Stench'o the Pit
- Tarnas
- Toad's Glove
- Toadstool
- Traitor's Goblet
- Truffle
- violet delight
- Vrak
- Warg's-blood Slime
- White Destroyer
- white mushroom
- White Mushroom of Mindolluin
- Wight's Talons
- Witch's Pie
- Zuvar
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