- For the main article on the Fourth Age, see Fourth Age.
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- Baduhild
- Badzûrz
- Folco Baggins
- Bar Iaur Dínen
- Barahir of Ithilien
- Barakûl
- Baramor
- Bard Dwarf-friend
- Bardings
- Barfka
- Bashk-Uga
- Belba Bracegirdle
- Bellissima Brandybuck
- Beorn son of Grimbeorn
- Bercilak Brandybuck
- Beregond of Tuckborough
- Berelach
- Berenar
- Bereneth
- Beretar of the Badlands
- Bilbo Baggins
- Bilbo Gamgee
- Bill Butcher
- Black Cartel
- Angrisa Boffin
- Lora Boffin
- Bingo Bolger
- Borgob
- Borlas of Pen-Arduin
- Bowman Cotton
- Marmaduke Brandybuck
- Theodoric Brandybuck
- Bridgebury
- Broadlimb
- Brogmaush
- Bócere
- Bófi
- Caióde do Caióde
- Caióde do Harúth
- Calmarin
- Camp of Margil's Orcs
- Caradoc Brandybuck
- Caramella Bolger
- Carl Cotton II
- Carnil the Vintner
- Celandine Brandybuck
- Celenneth
- Charfew Chubb
- Cirdur
- Colombo Hornblower
- Corsairs of Belsakal
- Crag-Rût
- Cult of Herumor
- Cwén Atheldrith
- Céolthryth
- Easterners
- Elanor Gamgee
- Elboron of Ithilien
- Eldamar of Minas Tirith
- Eldarion Telcontar
- Elendil Telcontar
- Elerior of Cimonienemor
- Elessar II
- Elfdag of the Eásternwardas
- Elfhelm of the East-Mark
- Elfmar of the Eásternwardas
- Elfstan Fairbairn
- Elfwine the Fair
- Elgyth
- Elphir
- Encalion
- Erbunz
- Erchirion II of Dol Amroth
- Ethryth
- Galadfene
- Polo Gamgee
- Ganburh
- Gargush
- Gartok
- Gelwen
- Gimli son of Glóin
- Girion the Black
- Girloth
- Glindiel
- Glórinda
- Godgifu of the Fréolicas
- Golasgil
- Goldilocks Took
- Gordmúl
- Gorin of Calost
- Gorrón
- Gorshag
- Grey Easterlings
- Greybough
- Grid of the Felldrengas
- Grimbrand of the Hemingfoendas
- Grímhelm
- Guthrond
- Haerangil o Pelargir
- Hal Hornblower
- Haleth Hámason
- Halla of the Rénewardingas
- Ham Bolger
- Hamfast Gardener
- Hammy Maggot
- Hamwich Tunnely
- Hanar
- Harding Gardner
- Harding of the Hill
- Herelaf
- Hob Hayward
- Walt Hollytree
- House Réneward
- House Windhelm
- Hugo Bracegirdle
- Huntan
- Hyacintha Took
- Hófur