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The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

The Forodwaith was also known as the Northern Waste (Ad."Aphôrodaûr"). It was bordered by the Ice Bay of Forochel in the west and the Barl Syrnac in the east. The term Forodwaith derived from a people that had inhabited the northern wastes in the Second Age whom the Númenóreans called Forodwaith. Their descendants were known as the Lossoth or Lumimiehet; other tribes who were closely akin such as the Merimetsastajat and Jaamiehet still inhabited the western parts of the northern wastes.

Regions and Rivers[]

Ai'atar Annûforodwaith Azjan Barl Syrnac Barren Wastes Bear Forest Cirith Feathir Darn Grine Dor Bendor Durganlu Dúrin's Plain Dyr Edge of the World Mountains Everdalf Fen Tundra Fire Tundra Forod Engrin Forovirkain Frozen Forest Hebringli Heleqfalas Heleqlhug Helkasiril Helkear Hills of Angmar Järvamaa Komi Korëla Landless Land Latân-Uzg Lhûgdalf Lindalf Lôkosîr Mosha Nan Lóke Nimfalas Northern ice cap Northern Shores Northern Waste Rammas Fornen Rhûforodwaith Ringli Sarth nia Linquelie Scrubby Tundra Stone Tundra Sula Talath Oiohelka Talath Uichel Taur Orthon Thorenaer Walls of the World Wash Tundra Withered Lands

Settlements and Points of Interest[]

Ashkia Temple Brinkerknock's Homestead Buzan Cave of the Ice-Hag Celeb-ost Cliff House Collarmount Daddy Nöel's House Dumblor Manor Foroloth Forotarma Grotto of Bears Haevod Harne's Grotto Hyvät Kajat Kala Dulakurth Kivataa Illugasatjuat Laratudira's domain Lior Wodai Berne Lumikissa Merikoira Ranta Maeshni Mokh-Lug Karn Mount Udûn Ninqualka Númenórean Tomb Orod Certhas The Pits Pits of Utumno Rüzgar Duvar Shab Arch Thafar-gathol Thalas Thollakar Urdic Camp Vasaran Ahjo








Aluenda Daddy Nöel Grandfather Yule Green Brother Ilbereth Jäänainen Karhu Lea the Trickster Mr. Cave Bear Osgari Paksu Storlaga Ulbandi Valkotukka Waetryth


Adder Albatros Amphibians Ants Asgûr Badger Bats Beaver Bees Beetles Bison Bragolith firefly Brown bear Bugs Butterflies Buzzard char Cockroach Coot Cormorant Crake Crane Crayfish Crustaceans Cuckoo Dolphin Ducks Eagle Egret Ermine Fal fish Falcon Finch Fishes flies Flying squirrel Frost warg Gannet Grass snake Gray whale Gray wolf Grebes Grouse Gull Hare Harrier Hawk Hedgehogs Henuial honey bee Heron Herring Humpback whale Insects Jay Kingfisher Lapwing Leaper Loon Lynx Mallard Marten Mice Mink Moles Molluscs Moorhen Moose mosquito Moths Nightjar Ondokamba bat Orca Osprey Ovir Otter Owl Partridge Pelican Perch Petrel Pheasant Pigeon Pike Plover Pole cat Pond bat Porpoise Ptarmigan Quail Rabbits Rail Red fox Reindeer Reptiles Rodents Roe deer Roller Salmon Sandpiper Sea gull Sea lion Seals Shrews Slowworm Snipe Snow goose Spiders Squirrel Stoat Stork Swift Taiga shrew Tern Toothed whales Trout Tundra swan Tundra vole Unbirds Wader Walrus Warbler Wasps Water vole Weasle Whales White deer White fox White tiger White wolf Wild boar Wolverine Wood lemming Woodpecker Worms Yitsútyr


Aecbalf Agârth Alder Aspen Baldakûr Baranas Birch Black Vines Blood-nut Carnihelwa Chebkuile Cloudberry Cusamár Éldana Elfbane Elm Faltanar Finhereg Flowers Funghi Gemberry Grasses Harwëtuima Hazel Henungol Hesgûratu Kalmogs Spoor Kîrsemal Lebellas Linden Maple Megillos Mírëtar's Crown Mithnedh Mornasercë Mosses Náza Nenlebed Númëlossë Olvaladh Ondohellë Ondohithui Oroluin Orrain Spearleaf Telek Trúdurs Ulginor spinach Witch-Hazel Worlclivur Zûr

See also[]

All items (120)
