This Category is for Personages, Places and Events relevant for the time period about TA 3019, the Time of the War of the Ring and the Events told in the Book The Lord of the Rings.
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All items (1151)
- Abbo Twofoot
- Abân
- Acca
- Adam Hornblower
- Adela Took
- Adelard Took
- Adîrjan the Brute
- Agandâur
- Agelwyn
- Ainwyn
- Akashpug
- Akba
- Akrûr
- Alan Mugwort
- Alaric Brandybuck
- Albert Dreary
- Alcarin of Minas Tirith
- Aldis Oatbearer
- Aldor of Hornburg
- Alfric
- Alkharîn Alkharialê
- Alphros
- Amalda Brandybuck
- Amaron
- Amdír the Ranger
- Amdûr
- Amonel
- Amos Appledore
- Amrod of Calenhad
- Amrothos IV of Dol Amroth
- Anar the Dwarf
- Anbar Cilgir
- Anborn the Ranger
- Andreth of Minas Tirith
- Andwise Roper
- Andy Grubb
- Angbor the Fearless
- Angelica Baggins
- Angmarrim
- Angrod of Ithilien
- Ann Lilypool
- Ansley Atwood
- Anárin
- Ben Appledore
- Lily Appledore
- Aragorn Elessar
- Araslant
- Ardwyn
- Argdush
- Arhuan
- Arod (Horse)
- Arteveld Holman
- Artie Root
- Arvaethor
- Arvandir
- Arwen Undómiel
- Ned Ashleaf
- Ashlimb
- Ashrâk
- Ashûrz
- Atanacar Manhelm
- Athelwyn
- Azbul
- Badger-brock
- Baduhild
- Badzûrz
- Genoveva Baggins
- Semolina Baggins
- Baisheûin
- Balandil
- Balaprenn
- Baldbark
- Balglín
- Balrog of Moria
- Baramor
- Baranor of Lossarnach
- Barkh
- Barkmaster
- Barliman Butterbur
- Bashk-Uga
- Battle of Dale
- Battle of Helm's Deep
- Battle of Morannon
- Baugar
- Bauglám Fork-tongue
- Bazk
- Beadula
- Beechbone
- Belba Bracegirdle
- Beleg of Ithilien
- Belegorn of Carn Dûm
- Bellissima Brandybuck
- Benrodir
- Beorn son of Grimbeorn
- Bercilak Brandybuck
- Beredu
- Beregond of Lossarnach
- Berenar
- Bereneth
- Beretar of the Badlands
- Bergil son of Beregond
- Berthil
- Bhoghad
- Bidroi
- Bifur
- Bilbo Baggins
- Bill Ferny the younger
- Bingo Chubb
- Birchseed
- Eddy Blackthorn
- Blackwolds
- Bladorthin Koldana
- Bob the Ostler
- Bob Thistlewood
- Bob Wheathead
- Angrisa Boffin
- Lora Boffin
- Boldgar
- Bingo Bolger
- Fosco Bolger
- Rollo Bolger
- Bolingúl
- Bombur
- Borgob
- Borgthaur
- Borlas of Pen-Arduin
- Boromir son of Denethor II
- Bosnauk
- Botglim
- Bowman Cotton
- Bragolhir
- Brakh
- Brand Bainson
- Bravahn Castamirion
- Brego (Horse)
- Bregowine
- Bridofin
- Broadlimb
- Broghásh
- Brogmaush
- Brogud-Lûk
- Brug
- Bruk (Goblin)
- Bryn
- Brúnion
- Bug of Barad-Dur
- Bughrakh
- Bugud
- Bulag
- Bumpkin
- Burin son of Balin
- Burnoth, son of Baldeg
- Burulluch
- Burz
- Burzfîl
- Bân VII
- Béored
- Bócere
- Búbhosh-grat
- Búrz
- Búrzash
- Bûb-hosh
- Bûrakh