This category contains articles relevant for the 2950s scenario of the Middle-Earth play-by-mail Game.
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Ecthelion II of Gondor
All items (559)
- Abbo Twofoot
- Abdahkil of Virk-Ulgath
- Adalgrim Took
- Adrahil II of Dol Amroth
- Adrazar
- Adîrjan the Brute
- Agandâur
- Alma the Midwife
- Alukhôr of Umun
- Alûrakh of Methir
- Amanda Took
- Amaranth Brandybuck
- Amdori
- Anar the Dwarf
- Anbar Cilgir
- Andrimnir
- Andwise Roper
- Andy Grubb
- Annaniel
- Annelena
- Anárin
- Aragorn Elessar
- Arathorn II
- Araudâgûl
- Argaldor
- Argaz
- Argirion of Ithilien
- Arinmîr
- Arta the Fair
- Ascarnil of Rivendell
- Asgil-Golamir
- Asgon of Lamedon
- Ashlimb
- Ashrâk
- Ashturg of Kal Nargil
- Asphodel Burrows I
- Asternak
- Avos of Îgath
- Azgûrath
- Azkrapâ
- Azog the Lesser
- Badger-brock
- Genoveva Baggins
- Posco Baggins
- Semolina Baggins
- Baghrat
- Bain of Dale
- Balandil
- Baldbark
- Balin son of Fundin
- Balrog of Moria
- Baranor of Ethir
- Bard Bowman
- Barkmaster
- Barliman Butterbur
- Barney Butterbur
- Bauglám Fork-tongue
- Baugúr
- Beadula
- Beechbone
- Belba Bolger
- Belegorn of Carn Dûm
- Belemir of Gondor
- Belengol
- Bell Bracegirdle
- Bell Gamgee
- Bellissima Brandybuck
- Benevacer
- Beorn son of Grimbeorn
- Beorn the Skinchanger
- Beranar
- Beretar of the Badlands
- Bernebrun
- Betsy Butterbur
- Bhoghad
- Bifanál
- Bifur
- Bilbo Baggins
- Bill Ferny the Elder
- Bingo Baggins
- Blackbole
- Bladorthin Koldana
- Bláin
- Bodo Proudfoot
- Griselda Boffin
- Molly Boffin ( late third Age)
- Boffo North-took
- Bofur, brother of Bombur
- Bolgbarz
- Bombur
- Bragolhir
- Jenny Brandybuck
- Brestir the Old
- Broadlimb
- Broca Took
- Brokk
- Brunebeno
- Bruno Bracegirdle
- Brúni
- Bugrug
- Burdîlgoth
- Burgo
- Burin son of Balin
- Bócere
- Bórin son of Balin
- Bôrthan-Hûz
- Bûthrakaur
- Dagred of Sutcrofts
- Dain II Ironfoot
- Daisy Boffin
- Dalla the Baker
- Daumdorut Pigtrader
- Deallus
- Denethor II of Gondor
- Dinendal
- Dinodas Brandybuck
- Dodinas Brandybuck
- Dora Baggins
- Dorelas the false Priest
- Dori of the House of Durin
- Drogo Baggins
- Drust, Chieftain of the Guistl
- Drustan, Brother of Drust
- Drór the Traitor
- Dudo Baggins
- Duiuech
- Durbûrz
- Dwálin son of Fundin
- Dâsakûn
- Dínendal
- Dôgrib
- Ecthelion II of Gondor
- Edu Giordia
- Eglantine Took
- Einion Lawspeaker
- Eistla
- Elerína
- Elfhelm of the East-Mark
- Elfhild of Eastfold
- Elring
- Elstan
- Elwen of Edhellond
- Enna San Sarab
- Eradan the dark Ranger
- Erdan the Herbalist
- Erestor of Rivendell
- Errenis the Abductor
- Eryrban
- Esmeralda Brandybuck
- Esmund of the Eoforingas
- Ethacali of Narimanush
- Eun of the Mountains
- Eynar of Ironhold