This category if for characters, places and events of the years about TA 2941, the time span of events of the Book The Hobbit or There and Back Again.
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All items (337)
- Posco Baggins
- Semolina Baggins
- Balandil
- Baldbark
- Balfor
- Balin son of Fundin
- Baranor of Ethir
- Barash of Dol Guldur
- Bard Bowman
- Barney Butterbur
- Bauglám Fork-tongue
- Begga of Esgaroth
- Belba Bolger
- Bell Gamgee
- Bert Huggins
- Betsy Butterbur
- Bifanál
- Bifur
- Bilbo Baggins
- Bill Ferny the Elder
- Bingo Baggins
- Bláin
- Bodo Proudfoot
- Griselda Boffin
- Molly Boffin ( late third Age)
- Paladin Boffin
- Bofur, brother of Bombur
- Bolg the Younger
- Bolgbarz
- Bombur
- Bragi
- Jenny Brandybuck
- Brestir the Old
- Brokk
- Brukraksh
- Bruno Bracegirdle
- Burin son of Balin
- Burlak
- Bór of the Ered Luin
- Bórin son of Balin
- Dalla the Baker
- Dalug-Hai
- Denethor II of Gondor
- Annie Diggle
- Dinendal
- Dinodas Brandybuck
- Dodinas Brandybuck
- Donnamira Boffin
- Dora Baggins
- Doran
- Dorg
- Dori of the House of Durin
- Drauom
- Drogo Baggins
- Drust, Chieftain of the Guistl
- Drustan, Brother of Drust
- Dudo Baggins
- Dwálin son of Fundin
- Dínendal
- Dís the Younger
- Galion of Mirkwood
- Garbrad
- Garfield Brandagamba
- Garn-Rak
- Gazmuz
- Geirrold
- Gellir
- Gerle of the Hemingfoendas
- Gilfanon of Mirkwood
- Giltub
- Gisla of Esgaroth
- Gismund the Jeweller
- Gloob-Rá
- Glóin son of Gróin
- Goldred of Edoras
- Gollum
- Golmbul
- Gorbadoc Brandybuck
- Gorbulas Brandybuck
- Gorkin the Goblin-King
- Gormur Doursmith
- Gormur the Butcher
- Gouma
- Grashûkh of Gundabad
- Grinnah
- Gruffo Boffin
- Grundo Sackville
- Grór of Nibbin-grod
- Gundlag
- Gwethil
- Gwálin III
- Haedorial the Street Singer
- Halfred Greenhand I
- Halfred of Overhill
- Halladol
- Halli the Harbormaster
- Halvdor
- Hamfast Gamgee I
- Hanar
- Hannar the Dwarf
- Havdor Dragon
- Heidrek
- Heladil
- Hending
- Herugar Bolger
- Hiarni the Mouse
- Hildifons Took
- Hildigrim Took
- Hilman the Easterling
- Hiuki Strá
- Hob Gammidge
- Hogurvár of Dale
- Holman Greenhand
- Hyltir
- Héafod of Edoras
- Hón