The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
Red Star of Carnil


Carnil, known commonly as the Red Star (S."Carangil"; Ad."Zôrîzar"), was actually the Name the Sindar and Dúnedain applied to the planet which Men later knew as Mars. The planet was the twin Middle-Earth, and in the Elder Days, it was said to have been the work of Varda, Valië of the Stars, who allegedly hallowed the frame of the planet as it was created by Iluvatar, giving it water and green, before it was fortified byTulkas. It would have been a habitable place for Elves or Men, if Melkor had not visited it in his exile in the Void, and in that visit defiiled it and destroyed its waters; whatever life it may have harbored was vanquished, and it became more barren than even the most searing deserts of Middle-Earth.

Landscape of Carnil

The planet was, regarded as a star, known also as Gormok, possibly a name derived from Westron, Old Mago or even one of the Languages of the Men of the East. In the Sixth Age members of the Notion Club had even recieved lucid dreams about space travel and Mars, seeing it as a barren place and a horrible network of deserts and chasms.

Other names:[]


The stars were created by Varda, but given that Mars is a planet, she most likely had help from other Valar or perhaps she put down the framework for Eru to finish the planet. It is conceivable that Carnil had actual life on it. Though Tolkien never wrote about Martians, his best friend C.S. Lewis did and both considered working together, although a true crossover of each other's fictional universes never really happened. In Lewis's Universe Mars was also known as "Malacandra" and is inhabited by three native species/sentient races.
