The Cargûl (B.S.: "Red Wraiths") were lesser wraiths enslaved by the Nazgûl, and likely the victim of the Nazgûl's Morgul-blades, the terrifying enchanted weapons that sapped a person's life. All those who were wounded by a Morgul-blade would find themselves fading from the mortal world and drawn into the wraith-world, a spiritual plane just beyond the perception of mortals. The Cargûl were the helpless victims of this process; Frodo Baggins risked sharing this fate with them when he was wounded at Amon Sûl.
Orolang was one known Cargûl of the many who were captured in the company of Eärnur of Gondor when he went to Minas Morgul to challenge the Lord of the Nazgûl; it was also rumored that many in Eärnur's party later became the Cargûl of Dol Guldur.
The Cargûl wore scarlet robes with a golden pattern, or grey robes, sometimes with scarlet hoods or gloves. They did not often carry Morgul-blades, but might be involved in their creation.
Cargûl of note[]
- Amdir
- Garthamendir
- Guloth
- Helchurth
- Mâb Rhûnadan
- Narudúr
- Orolang
See also[]
- The Lord of the Rings Online