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The New Notion Club Archives

The term crocodile is sometimes used to reflect the Westron form of the Sindarin/Nandorin carchadil, a species of archaic lizard-creature distantly akin to the Fell Beasts, also sometimes wrongly linked to Dragon-kind. Likewise alligator is used to translate the term "assanga", a species closely related to the carchadil.

Carchadili had smaller and more pointed snouts and tended to live in saltwater environments, while assangar had wider and more round snouts and tended to live in sweetwater homes.Some loremasters grouped both sub-families together in one single order, the "Gelinencai".

See also[]

Outer Information[]

Middle-earth crocodiles or assangar are more similar to prehistoric Crurotarsi, especially european Phytosaurs such as the Belodon, Ebrachosuchus, Francosuchus, Paleorhinus, Nicrosaurus, Mystriosuchus, Mesorhinosuchus, Machaeroprosopus, and Leptosuchus may be possible models but also Aetosaurs, Paratypothoraxes, Stagonolepis, and Aetosaurs and Paracrocodylomorpha may be possible inspirations.
