The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
Boromir: "Is it not a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt for so small a thing? So small a thing!"
- J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring II:10

Caras Gwindor


Caras Gwindor and environs (MERP)


Location of Caras Gwindor (upper right) (MERP)

Caras Gwindor (S. "Fort Gwindor", Gwindor: "New-lord"?) once controlled most of the trade between Dagorlad and the Anduin, but its isolation limited its size. Following the Great Plague, the decline of Gondor in the region had hurt the economy, and Caras Gwindor was in danger of becoming little more than a military camp.

This small town, surrounded by a stout stone wall and lying near the fortress of Tirith Nindor, had a much larger percentage of professional people than would be considered usual for a town of its size. This was due to its proximity to the fortress and trade road, and its distance from any other type of income source. Visitors could have a meal, rent a room, get healed, bathed, or drunk, all for a small fee. The surrounding countryside featured the Regent's granaries, where grain was stored for later shipment to the new capital of Minas Anor (Minas Tirith), several small farms, a slaughterhouse, a blacksmith, a cartwright, and a stable, where one could board one's horses or buy new ones. The town was always glad to see new faces, for new faces usually meant new money.



  • Original names in MERP: Tir Nindor → Tirith Nindor (corrected Sindarin form).


  • MERP #8020: Dagorlad and the Dead Marshes