Deve or Camels
The Devevi (Q."Ulumpër"; Av."Ulunti"; Har."Azûhmeda") of southern and central Middle-earth were hardy animals who stored water in their stomach linings and could go for long periods without drinking. Their humps absorbed heat and metabolized fat to provide energy and water, while their wide foot pads enabled them to walk on soft, sandy soil. With a complex, three-chambered stomach that permitted digestion of virtually any vegetation, the deve was ideally adapted for life in the desert.
Detailed Description[]
A deve had no need to sweat because of its refined temperature regulation system. It could lose over a quarter of its body weight without suffering and it could restore this weight in an orgy of drinking lasting only ten minutes. A thirsty deve could intake about 7-8 gallons of water in a minute.
There were two subgroups of devevi: the runners and the workers. The former were light, graceful mounts built for riding and speed. The latter were thickly-built, slow-moving creatures capable of bearing heavy loads. Although both varieties were easy to domesticate and extremely well-suited to their appointed purpose, all devevi were somewhat loud and filthy. They spat on the unwary and were virtually impossible to keep clean.
The most prized of these creatures was the rare deve póa, the two-humped beast bred in and around the desert city of Tûl Póac in Far Harad. A hardy deve originally hailing from the Yellow Mountains of southern Endor, it was adapted for both temperature extremes. It grew a shaggy coat whenever the weather was cold, shedding its thick, wooly fur whenever the climate was warmer. The deve póa of the hotter deserts were virtually naked. They were more docile than other devevi, and much more comfortable to ride. Besides having a natural saddle, deve póa moved with a smooth, rolling gait — the result of being able to lift both legs on one side at a time.
- Retrieved from Realms of Arda; original reference: [ICE MERP 2012]