See also:
Elvish Reckoning[]
Calendar of Imladris[]
- tuile
- tuilere
- laire
- yavie
- yaviere
- quelle
- hrive
- coire
- spring equinox
- ethuil
- laer
- iavas
- harvest
- firith
- hriw
- echuir
Old High-elven calendar[]
- avestalis , metteriwe or lunde niqilissea - ca. January
- erintion - second half of avestalis
- amillion , sovalwaris, nendesse, erkoire or lunde tiqilindea - ca. February
- nokoire or lunde susulima - ca. March
- vinyarie or spring equinox ( eldarin new year)
- ertuile , tuileris or lunde timpinea - ca. April
- calainis, lotession, lunde kalaina, lunde lotea - ca. May
- erlaire - ca. June
- nolaire- ca. July
- mettelaire -ca. August
- erqelle - ca. September
- silkesse or harvest
- noqelle - ca. October
- errive - ca. November
- norrive - ca. December
- winter solstice or turuhalme
Old Noldoran calendar[]
- cathriw or nerwinien
- ninui
- gwaeron
- spring time or tuilir
- gwirith
- lothron
- ebloer or norui
- cadloer or cerveth
- urui
- ifonneth
- gavon or harvest
- narbeleth
- hithui
- ephriw
- winter solstice, tanfui or duruchalm (halm na-duruthon)
Men of the West[]
Númenórean Calendar[]
The old Númenóreans used an adaption of the High-elven calendar,altered to their needs but retaining the Quenya names.The Kingsmen and later black Númenóreans however used names in Adûnaic instead (see also: Girt Calendar) and replaced the holy days of Eru and the Valar with festivities drawn from their own dark worship.
- yestare
- narvinye
- nenime
- sulime
- erukyerme or tuilere
- viresse
- lotesse
- narie
- cermie
- erulaitale
- urime
- yavannie
- eruhantale
- yaviere
- narquelie
- hisime
- ringare
- mettare
King's reckoning[]
- narwain
- ninui
- gwaeron
- spring equinox
- gwirith
- lothron
- norui or eblaer
- cerveth
- urui
- iavanneth
- autumnal equinox
- narbeleth
- hithui
- girithron
- winter solstice
Steward's reckoning[]
- narwain (Narvinyë)
- ninui (Nénimë)
- gwaeron (Súlimë)
- spring equinox
- gwirith (Víressë)
- lothron (Lótessë)
- norui (Nárië)
- cerveth (Cermië
- urui (Úrimë)
- iavanneth (Yavannië)
- autumnal equinox
- narbeleth (Narquelië)
- hithui (Hísimë)
- girithron (Ringarë)
- winter solstice
New reckoning[]
- narwain
- ninui
- gwaeron
- spring equinox
- gwirith
- new year (day of sauron's downfall)
- lothron
- norui
- cerveth
- midsummer
- urui
- iavanneth
- autumnal equinox
- ringday (cormare)
- narbeleth
- hithui
- girithron
- winter solstice
Westron calendar (generic)[]
- afteryule or freezing month
- mud-month
- rough-month
- spring equinox
- easter-month or germinating month
- three-milk-givings
- mild month or fore- summer
- summer-solstice or midsummer
- meadow month or after-summer
- grass-month
- holy or harvest-month
- autumnal equinox
- winterfilling, winter full-moon or wintry month
- blood or sacrifice month
- foreyule or yule-month
- winter-solstice or midwinter
Bree calendar[]
- 2 yule
- frery
- solmath
- rethe
- chithing
- thrimidge
- lithe
- first summerday
- second summerday
- third summerday
- fourth summerday
- mede
- wedmath
- harvestmath
- harvest day
- wintring
- blooting
- yulemath
- 1 yule
Girt Calendar[]
The Girtmen of Southernesse used an adaptation of the old Númenórean Calendar (using the Adûnaic forms), but started their reckoning in the Year TA 899, Year 1 of the Girt-Calendar.
- Îrâna ("Firstday")
- Zôrir ("fire-time")
- Nînir ("wet-time")
- Bawâbir ("wind-time")
- Khibilâna ("well-day")
- Ezelir ("youth-time")
- Lôtir ("bloom-time")
- Zôrimi ("heat")
- Gâwir ("harvest-time")
- Pharazâna ("Golden Day")
- Ûrir ("Sun-time")
- Yôyir ("Gift-time")
- Arâna ("Royal Day")
- Yôyâna ("Gift-day")
- Zôrneg ("fire-end")
- Mizrir ("mist-time")
- Khelekir ("frost-time")
- Negâna ("Lastday")
Shire reckoning[]
- 2 yule - 22 december
- Afteryule - 23 december - 21 january
- Solmath - 22 january - 20 february
- Rethe -21 february -22 march
- Astron - 23 march - 21april
- Thrimidge -22 areil - 21 may
- Forelithe- 22 may - 20 june
- 1 lithe - 21 june
- mid-year's day or overlithe - 22 june
- 2 lithe - 23 june
- Afterlithe -24june -23 july
- Wedmath- 24 july - 22 august
- Halimath - 23 august - 21 september
- Winterfilth - 22 september - 21 october
- Blotmath - 22 october - 20 november
- Foreyule 21 november - 20 december
- yule -21 december
Vidugavia's time[]
- 2 yule - 22 december
- Aftraiuleis - 23 december - 21 january
- Sulamenoth - 22 january - 20 february
- Ruhamenoth -21 february -22 march
- Austramenoth - 23 march - 21april
- Threimiluk -22 areil - 21 may
- Vauralintha- 22 may - 20 june
- 1 lintha - 21 june
- midiersdag or uvarlintha - 22 june
- 2 lithe - 23 june
- Avtralintha -24june -23 july
- Vetamenoth- 24 july - 22 august
- Hailagmenoth - 23 august - 21 september
- Vintruvulia - 22 september - 21 october
- Blotamenoth - 22 october - 20 november
- Foreiuleis 21 november - 20 december
- Iuleis -21 december
Rohan (and Beornings)[]
- 2 yule - 22 december
- Eftergeol - 23 december - 21 january
- Solmanoth - 22 january - 20 february
- Rethemanoth -21 february -22 march
- Eastermanoth - 23 march - 21april
- Thrimeolc -22 areil - 21 may
- Forelithe- 22 may - 20 june
- 1 lithe - 21 june
- midegeardag or overlithe - 22 june
- 2 lithe - 23 june
- Efterlithe -24june -23 july
- Wetanmanoth- 24 july - 22 august
- Halimanoth - 23 august - 21 september
- Winterfylleth - 22 september - 21 october
- Blotmanoth - 22 october - 20 november
- Foregeol 21 november - 20 december
- Geol -21 december
Dale and Esgaroth[]
- 2 Iól - 22 december
- Epteriól - 23 december - 21 january
- Iordsmanadur - 22 january - 20 february
- Hrármanadur -21 february -22 march
- Austurmanadur - 23 march - 21april
- Thriomiolk -22 areil - 21 may
- Fyrirlinnur- 22 may - 20 june
- 1 linnur - 21 june
- midhurárdagur or yfirlinnur - 22 june
- 2 linnur - 23 june
- Eptirlinnur -24june -23 july
- Waetamanadur- 24 july - 22 august
- Heilagurmanadur - 23 august - 21 september
- Winturfylla - 22 september - 21 october
- Blótmanadur - 22 october - 20 november
- Fyririól 21 november - 20 december
- Iól -21 december
Western Rhovanion (Woodmen)[]
- 2 ieule - 22 december
- Aftarieule - 23 december - 21 january
- Solemanod - 22 january - 20 february
- Rauemanod -21 february -22 march
- Ostarune - 23 march - 21april
- Drimilice -22 areil - 21 may
- Forelinde- 22 may - 20 june
- 1 linde - 21 june
- mideiaresdage or oberlinde - 22 june
- 2 linde - 23 june
- Aftarlinde -24june -23 july
- Nasemanod- 24 july - 22 august
- Heiligemanod - 23 august - 21 september
- Wenterfulle - 22 september - 21 october
- Bluozemanod - 22 october - 20 november
- Foreieule 21 november - 20 december
- Wihnaht -21 december
Calendars of the Men of Darkness[]
Calendar of the Golden Realm[]
The Realm of the Golden Army or "Golden Realm" in central Middle-Earth made use of an older "Palisorian Calendar" which was by no doubt derived from the númenórean Calendar of the Westlands or at last inspired by either the gondorian or an archaic black númenorean Calendar System.
- Az-tong or "Yule-day"
- Pâtong (Rhu.:"Afteryule") or Sat-Nikü (Rhu."freezing month")
- Ûg (Rhu."Earthwash") or Sat-Lüxö (Rhu."Muddy time")
- Skhôr (Rhu."rough-one")
- Säiän or Sâka-kel (Rhu."Spring equinox")
- Sat-Rô (Rhu."Time of Sunrise") or Ördö (Rhu."Germinating")
- Sat-Ilimä (Rhu."milk-giving time") or Endilim (Rhu."threefold-milk")
- Sat-künwük (Rhu."mild time") or Öblâi (Rhu."before summer")
- Khûn-hara (Rhu."summer-solstice") Öndödlâi (Rhu."midsummer")
- Sat-Pâr (Rhu."meadow month") or Pâlâi (Rhu."after-summer")
- Sat-Shäläk (Rhu."grass-time")
- Hûnmor (Rhu."holy") or Sat-Töv (Rhu."harvest-time")
- Sâka-lawash (Rhu."autumnal equinox ")
- Izin-kûad (Rhu."winterfilling"), Izinzöl (Rhu."winter full-moon") or Sat-Izin (Rhu."winter time")
- Hûnkka (Rhu."blood") or Sat-Dîag (Rhu."sacrifice time")
- Öbtong (Rhu."foreyule") or Sat-tong (Rhu."yule time)
- Khûn-izin (Rhu."winter-solstice") or Öndöd-izin (Rhu."midwinter")
Calendar of Mur Fostisyr[]
The Peoples of the Mur Fostisyr knew year of 350 days divided into five months, one of spring, two of summer, and two of winter. They did not know the concept of autumn.
- Lanâr - first full moon of spring
- Spring
- Tirilif ("Moon") spring-month
- Larish (Summer)
- Arif ("Sun") summer-month
- Midsummer
- Norinif ("shadow") summer-month
- Oryk (Winter)
- Dakurif ("Dark") winter-month
- Midwinter
- Ilârif ("star") winter-month
Calendar of Tâlirân[]
The men of Kôronânde had adapted the Calendar of the Avari of Talirân which in itself probably was already inspired by the Eldarin Calendars (possibly through either members of the Guild of Elements or the Court of Aranórë).This thirteen-month calendar had also been adapted widely by most neighbouring mannish cultures of the Utter South, although they used local indigenous names instead of the original Avarin ones.
- Uiliumî ("Mighty time") - ca. July 16. - August 12.
- Nîrouan ("Young fire") - ca. August 13. - September 9.
- Ninumî ("Moist-time") - ca. September 10. - October 7.
- Surumî ("wind-time") - ca. October 8. - November 4.
- Uanis ("vigorous-one") - ca. November 5. - December 2.
- Lotis ("Blossoming-one") - ca. December 3rd. - December 31.
- Nirayî ("heat-period") - ca. January 1. - January 28.
- Kuirmayî ("turning-period") - ca.January 29. - February 25.
- Urumî ("Sun-time") - ca. February 26. - March 25.
- Yibeyî ("Fruit-period") - ca. March 26. - April 22.
- Nrkrla ("Fading") - ca. April 23. - May 20.
- Khathumî ("mist-time") - ca. May 21. - June 17.
- Rangairî ("Cold days") - ca. 18. June - 15. july
(#)the MERP module "The Court of Ardor" uses Sindarin names.These here were replaced by reconstructed Avarin.The weather patterns and the equivalent of modern months were adjusted to the geographic region of roughly South Africa.
Calendar of Tanara[]
The Peoples of Tanara knew a calendar much similar to that of Mur Fostisyr (both possibly being based on the Calendar devised by the College of Loremasters). They also had a year of 350 days divided into five months of seventy days each.
- Tiralin ("Spring")
- Arin ("Summer")
- Norin ("Fall")
- Akirin ("Winter")
- Ilarin ("Winter/Spring")
Reformed Sauronic Calendar[]
In the early period of his dominion Sauron had tried to invent a calendar on his own, at first a 13 month calendar of 28 days, then a four month calendar.In the End he had to accept that many realms he sought to dominate already had introduced a variant of either the high elven or the númenórean calendar and chose to corrupt the most widespread calendar form to his own purpose.It was much similar to the Palisorian calendar, probably because it had similar origins, although it is unclear which calendar predated the other.His reformed Sauronic Calendar was however only used in Mordor or by the Cult of the Eye for liturgic reasons and his bureaucrats.Local Tyrants under Saurons sway however ofted adapted it according to their own ways, changing just a few details such as the names of months and days according to their local language:
- Hosharash or "Day of silence"
- Krinran or Nagrilut (B.S."freezing moon")
- Ghampshaplag (B.S. "Earthwash") or Galshil (B.S. "Muddy moon")
- Haztlut (B.S. "rough moon")
- Murshol Prandawor (B.S. "Spring equinox")
- Faratlut (B.S. "Germinating moon")
- Dorûtran (B.S. "Cattle moon")
- Ugîlmuzumran (B.S. "before the warm time")
- Darupardrog muzumran (B.S. "warm-time sun-turning")
- Ilugamuzumran (B.S. "after the warm time")
- Brakhlut (B.S. "grass-moon")
- Korshil (B.S."reaping-moon")
- Murshol Gâthlûmp (B.S."autumnal equinox ")
- Gûkhanhar Dauman (B.S."winter full-moon") or Daumanshil ("winter-moon")
- Bloglut (B.S."blood-moon") or Flîshil (B.S. "sacrifice-moone")
- Ugîlhosh (B.S. "before the silence")
- Darupardrog Dauman (B.S."winter sun-turning") or Shabdauman (B.S. "midwinter")
Tumakveh Calendar[]
The Tumakveh Calendar was devised by Zimrêbal to be analogous to the King's Reckoning, with the names being rendered in the Bellakaze tongue.
- Dahlat (Narwain)
- Najam (Ninui)
- Manjaz (Gwaeron)
- Vetrashu (Gwirith)
- Ishat (Lothron)
- Vatrul (Norui)
- Mizir (Cerveth)
- Kuralid (Urui)
- Darat (Ivanneth)
- Tamum (Narbeleth)
- Sumat (Hithui)
- Oluj (Girithron)
Calendar of Sîrayn[]
The calendar of Sîrayn begins in T.A. 1201, when Obed the First united the peoples of Sîrayn and allied with the Dwarves to defeat the armies of the Fifth of the Nazgûl.
- 1: Tars
- 2: Tarett
- 3: Magaub
- 4: Mauz
- 5: Gerzaud
- 6: Sain
- 7: Haub
- 8: Nantain
- 9: Maskar
- 10: Tarsk
- 11: Hirain
- 12: Tarsas