The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Caeth (Du. "Captive") was once regarded as a great soothsayer and wise man among the hills of Dunland, but that was before his dreams led him to the tall spires of Orthanc. In his sleep he had been visited by the vision of great clouds gathering to the east and taking the shape of a blazing white hand. In his waking hours he attempted to follow his dreams and eventually found his way to the Wizard’s Vale. When he met Saruman there, Caeth recognised the white hand of his visions and dropped to his knees before him. Caeth regarded his master with a silent awe, bowing his head whenever the Wizard’s name was spoken in his presence. A man of few words, he mostly talked to the birds of the rookery of Orthanc, speaking only in whispers to any other. Saruman himself treated Caeth with the gentle patience one might offer to a good hunting dog, or a favourite hawk.


Original form in TOR: Geth = Caeth


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