Bulor-Ilg Statue
In the First Age, when the Petty-dwarves wandered the Ered Mithrin, they discovered a race of spirits, known as the 'Bulor-Ilg, who were closely tied to, and even had some ability to influence, the forces of nature. From fear and interest ventually grew a superstitious cult, and elaborate series rituals centered about invoking at need the aid and Intervention of these deities.
Known Bulor-Ilg[]
- the Supreme Bulor
The Bulor-Ilg may have originally been Spirits of Arda representing the character or nature of a specific region or area, much similar to nature- and place-spirits as Tom Bombadil, Goldberry, or Mother Withywindle, they might have been Ainur of some sort.
- MERP: The Grey Mountains