Black Númenórean Brigantine
A brigantine (Q."Lehestacirya") was a two- or three-masted sailing vessel with a fully square rigged foremast and at least two sails on the main mast: a square topsail and a gaff sail mainsail (behind the mast). The main mast was the second and taller of the two masts. It was a sail- and oar-driven war vessel, lateen rigged on two masts and with between eight and twelve oars on each side. Its speed, maneuverability and ease of handling made it a favourite of Corsairs.
- Length:
- Beam:
- Draft:
- Displacement:
- Freeboard:
- Keel:
- Construction:
- Strength:
- Deck:
- Forecastle:
- Midecastle:
- Aftercastle:
- Ram:
- Steering:
- Total Crew:
- Officers:
- Soldiers:
- Sailors:
- Rowers:
- Turn Radius:
- Turn Speed:
- Oar Banks:
- No.Oars:
- Rowers/Oar:
- Slow Rowing:
- Fast Rowing:
- Ramming:
- Racing:
- Masts:
- Sail Type:
- Slow Sail:
- normal Sail:
- fast Sail:
- max. Sail:
- Artillery:
- Provisions:
- Cargo:
- Notes: