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The New Notion Club Archives


Boromir son of Denethor

Time Period
Late Third Age (b. 2978 - d. 3019)
(N) = non-canon

A proud, handsome Dúnadan Knight, Boromir (S. "Steadfast-jewel"?) was the eldest son and heir of Denethor II, the last Ruling Steward of Gondor. He lived from T.A. 2978 through T.A. 3019. His mother, Finduilas (who died when he was only ten), was the eldest daughter of Adrahil II of Dol Amroth, and his younger brother was Faramir the Ranger. As Captain of Gondor's armies, he cared little for courtly life, instead preferring the heat of battle, and he never married. Boromir was a true warlord, brave and delighting in the skills of war.

A prophetic dream (which he shared with Faramir) drove Boromir to leave his command and journey north to Rivendell during the early days of the War of the Ring. There, he joined Elrond's Council and then the Company, becoming part of the Fellowship of the Ring. When the Fellowship camped at Amon Hen by the Anduin, he fell under the spell of the One Ring and attempted to seize it from Frodo on behalf of the Men of Gondor. Although he repented, his rash act caused the Hobbit to leave the party and journey alone to Mordor. Boromir died of arrow wounds while defending Merry and Pippin during the Orc attack that occurred soon after Frodo's departure. His brother Faramir then became Denethor's heir.


  • broad and muscular
  • dark hair, grey eyes
  • long, golden brown hair (N)
  • ~6 ft 4 in tall

Boromir's Principal Items[]

  • Boromir's Cloak — fur-lined cloak
  • Boromir's Gauntlets (N)
  • Boromir's HelmGondorian helmet. An heirloom of the family
  • Boromir's Shield — A Roundshield rimmed with steel and made of a very light but strong wood.
  • Boromir's SwordBalhathol ("Mighty Blade") A long sword, in design very similar to Andúril but of less lineage, it was Steel alloy weapon, finely made.
  • collar of silver — general's gorget with a white stone
  • Dagger of Gondor — warden of the white tower's dagger (N)
  • Elven Brooch (N)
  • fine breeches (N)
  • grey Elven Cloak
  • high leather boots (N)
  • Horn of Gondor — Made of a the horn of a Kine of Araw, killed by Vorondil the Hunter. It was inlaid with silver and passed down through the Stewards. It was broken when the Orcs killed Boromir, but the pieces were recovered and brought to Denethor. Kept on a leather baldric.
  • Lembas
  • long leather coat (N)
  • long tunic (N)
  • mantle of the white city (N)
  • Platemail — actually mail with plates (N)
  • golden elven belt
  • saddlebag (N)
  • steel greaves (N)
  • steel vambraces (N)
  • steel pauldrons (N)
  • Standard of Boromir's Company (N)
  • black tabard (N)
  • Wood-axe (N)

