The son of the monsterous pale orc Azog the Defiler and the grandson of the vile Azog the Slayer, Bolg (Or./B.S. "Cruel") was made for the sole purpose of inheriting his father's throne. However, his constant failures led to him being sent from Gundabad to Dol Guldur to serve as lieutenant to the "Necromancer" (Sauron). Bolg served his lord well, for he rose through the ranks till he became one of the Dark Lord's trusted lieutenants. During his time in Dol Gul Dur he became different, he started resembling his kin before him and became just as savage and vile as his grandfather Azog the Slayer. Bolg grew to the staggering height of 8’0, taller then both his grandfather and father. Bolg was not the same orc after leaving Dol Gul Dur.
During the Battle of Five Armies, Bolg left Dol Guldur to serve as a leader of the Orc and Warg armies of the North. As a lieutenant under his father, he led the charge from over the Mountain, causing Kili's demise personally, before being himself slain in battle. It is often said that he died at the hands of Legolas Greenleaf.
Movie Trilogy[]
In the Hobbit movies, Bolg is depicted as the son of Azog the Defiler, defendant of an ancient line or breed of Orcs possibly of demonic origin. The film trilogy further revived Azog and gave him the leading role in the Battle of Five Armies, in contrast to the books, where Azog was slain in the Battle of Azanulbizar and the Host of Gundabad was commanded by his son Bolg. The character called Bolg in the movie trilogy was reduced to a lesser commander of Dol Guldur. This was retconned for this wiki by establishing Bolg as Azog the Defiler son and Azog the Defiler as Azog the Slayers; called Azog the Defiler in the books, to remain closer to the original canon.
A fan-fiction comic depicts Azog the Defiler, son of Azog the Slayer whom is called Azog the Defliler in the books as abducting the elven girl Hinarel, who presumably became the mother of Bolg
To sum it up in the books Azog the Slayer is actually Azog the defiler, but to make the movies and book make sense, Azog The Defilers name is changed to Azog the Slayer and his son is Azog the Defiler and had his arm chopped off by Thorin Oakenshield and his father Azog the Slayer was killed in the same battle. In the books Bolg is who leads the battle of the five but instead it’s actually Azog the Defiler in the movies, Bolg is Azog the Defilers son in the movies.
Azog The slayer - killed in battle of Azanulbizer
Azog The Defiler - survived battle of Azanulbizer but is defeated and is killed in battle of five armies
Bolg - Azog the Defilers son, killed in the battle of Five of five armies.