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The New Notion Club Archives
Blue Land
(Av. `Ugnin'ôro)
(S. Luindor)


The Forest of `Ugnin'ôro (MERP)

The forest of the Blue Land (Av. Ugnin'ôro; S. Luindor) was the most pleasant place in the Far North of Middle-earth. Thanks to the presence of the immortals, their care of nature, and the warming power of the Book of Icelore, 'Ugnin'ôro enjoyed good weather and mild seasons when compared to the surrounding lands on the Northern Peninsula.

'Ugnin'ôro was an Avarin realm bordering on Ûrd and the Sea of Thillûn (Av. Aia-Illu'ni). It was a cool and pleasant land - like all realms blessed with the presence of the Firstborn. Widely considered to be one of the most civilized Avarin realms – thanks to the visits of a few Noldorin and Sindarin wanderers across its history – 'Ugnin'ôro was the sworn enemy of Ûrd. Though subject for more than 1000 years in the Second Age to the rule of the Ice-king, the Ugni'imi retained their strong independent spirit, fighting their enemies without quarter.

Among all the Elven realms in Northern Middle-earth, 'Ugnin'ôro stood as the most beautiful, powerful, and rich in both goods and lore. Founded before the rise of the Sun and Moon, under the skies lit by Elbereth’s stars, this kingdom had experienced a troubled history, threatened by terrible enemies, sometimes too powerful for the Elves, but in the end not able to hold power over the Blue Forest forever.

Among the great trees stood high flets and beautiful gardens, protected by glass walls and roofs: here young and ancient Elves lived their endless lives, enjoying the beauty of their land, crafting items with exceptional skill, studying subjects of lore, and watching outside their closed borders, where the Shadow once again gathered its forces to steal their freedom.

While the wardens guarded the borders of 'Ugnin'ôro, a silent "cold war" of diplomacy, spy-game, and assassinations had been waged since ancient days, to protect Elven happiness and destroy any threat to it, at any cost. The 'an'iri, agents of the Elven-king, roamed the whole North as deadly shadows who hunted the servants of the Enemy.

In T.A. 1640, the recent Plague had plunged the Empire of Ûrd into chaos, and the opportunity had to be taken: if the power of the North-king could be destroyed, the Elves may have had peace – but if they failed, then there was no hope for 'Ugnin'ôro, last free land in all the North.

Regions, Rivers, and Bodies of Water[]

Blue Wood (forest) Copper Ridges Falath (coast) Hills of Larches Lake of Mist Sea of Silver-blue Light Sea of Trees Shivering Stream Wetlands of the Wandering Wings

Places of note[]

Amboi'aith Birch-bows ("capital") Il'ugni Ini'ar Iris'Emor'el Isw'ailin Shivering Stones (ford) Ul'one 'Y'brisil


Alad'aron Andai Inda'eir 'or'ar Ele'endi Ele'igende El'ugni Eled'en Gundurznâkh 'elek'omo 'inde'ârâ

Flora and Fauna[]

Flora (Olvar)[]

Blue Pine Holly Iskukäl Lâtha Northern Larch Snowdweller Water Smeller

Fauna (Kelvar)[]

Blackhead Crane Forest tigers Sea Eagle Sibinchi Tree lions Wildcats


Great Spiders


Original form of name: (S.) Luindor

Sindarin was not a language known or widely spoken in eastern Middle-earth, a reconstructed northern Avarin equivalent based on modified primitive elvish "Luini/Luigni"+"ndorē/ndôro" could be "'uin'orê" or "'uigni'ôro".

