Bloodbark was the first Ent corrupted by Athum, and the most powerful. He led the other Ents and Huorns of the Green-Sky-Wood.
He was slow, as were all Ents, but his deep eyes reflected a thoroughly blackened heart and fiery spirit. Bloodbark traveled within the Green-Sky-Wood, spreading evil subtly. Bloodbark rarely engaged in battle; instead, he preferred to linger in the shadows while Huorns in his control dealt with any disturbances.
Bloodbark was a powerful spell-user, though he did not display his powers often. The corruption of the forest was his first goal, the destruction of the Free Peoples who entered it his second.
Bloodbark resembled a smooth, blackish-red Thudula tree. His leaves were dark green, his eyes deep brown, with a spark of golden light within. Bloodbark stood thirteen feet high.