The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
Blind-Ox Vale
(Nan Demmynd)

Location of Blind-Ox Vale (MERP)

Blind-Ox Vale (S. Nan Demmynd: "Vale [of] Blind-oxen") was a valley in central Rhudaur close to Cameth Brin. There were literally hundreds of blind cattle here; their ears had also been damaged, so they were less likely to panic at the constant wolf-noise in the area. The slaves who herded them did not try to escape: they had been hamstrung so they could not run or swim with any speed, and the wolves had never failed to track an escapee down. It could have been worse: Oomaug, the local Orc-commander, thought himself a good captain, and guaranteed the slaves good beef to eat and plenty to drink if they did their jobs. However, should an ox stray or die due to their carelessness, the offender took the beast's place over the dinner fire.

