The Black Númenóreans were the descendants of the King's Men among the Númenóreans, and by far the majority of the Dúnedain. They called themselves Ârûwânai (Ad. "King's Men") or Adûnaim (Ad. "Western Men"). The true Black Númenóreans were a dying bloodline in the late Third Age, but despite the Kingsmen's disdain of what they considered "lesser men", there had been several mixed-blooded successor cultures in Harad claiming to be heirs of Númenórean superiority. Among these were the Amazôn-lâi, Anbalukkhôri, Bellakarani, Gimilthânians, Kharadûnaim, Pharazâin, Tantûraki, and Zimrathânians. In many of these former Númenórean colonies caste systems prevailed, in which classes of population claiming to be of high Númenórean blood held the highest social status. Classes of indigenous lineage held the lowest social status. For example: the people of Bellakar who divided themselves into Adûnaim, Bellakarani, Bellakaze, Bellanarod, and Desert-Dwellers. Indeed these tendencies also existed in the realms of the Elendili, although in an alleviated form.
The true Black Númenóreans called those "lesser Black Númenóreans" whose blood had mingled with lesser Men Banadûnaim (Ad. "Half-Númenóreans"). The largest part of the Kharadûnaim, Bellakaze, Bellakarani, Anbalukkhôri, and Zimrathânians were such Banadûnaim.
- Original language: Adûnaic
- Successor languages:
- Ansith
- Kharadaic or Old Haradaic
- Kharadûnaic or Hyaraic
- Tantûraki
- Zimrathâni or Mîredoric
- Umbarean
- Successor languages:
Realms of the Ârûwânai[]
- Anarikê
- Pharazain (later Bellakar)
- Sakalan
- The Seven Lands (or Thâni Hazad)
- An-Balkûmagân (Ciryatandor)
- Drêl
- Elorna (or Gimilthâni)
- Hyarn (or Kharadûnê)
- Mîrëdor (or Zimrathâni)
- Pél
- Tûlwang
- Tantûrak
- Umbar
Black Númenóreans of note or renown[]
Agandaur Anglach of Minas Ithil Araphor Arkhâd Arkhahil Arthrazoc Ashburgnul Barzgûl Beruthiel Dairkan Dâiruzôr Daroc Dâurukh Eärmacil II Eldamir of Mag Fael Fuinur the Númenórean Gastmorgath Goldathôn Herumor son of Edhelion Hûrdur Imrathôr Imrazôr III Ingar Khôramur of Dol Guldur Krûsnak of Morannon Leärdinoth Lôkhuzôr Maben Manâri-Akayi Meriot Mîrgaimur Muralômi Murartadur Naldûrgath Nardrazôr Nîlûphel Nuluzir Ongûlûn Pharacas Phorakôn Rozilân Hûrazgar Rozilân Mîrak Sakalthôr Sakalûrê of Sarûl Sakulbâr II Seregul Telkurhâd Tónn-Várthkûr Ûndaphel Ûrêkhâd Ûrezîr Ûrzahil of Morannon Ûrzahil the Mouth Varadir Vargaelas of Umbar I Zôkhad ir-Zôrik
See also[]
- Retrieved from Realms of Arda (archived at archive.org, latest available)
- Original reference: ICE MERP #2000: Middle-earth Role Playing (core rule-book)