The Black Council
The Black Council, also called Council of the Servants of the Shadow or the Enemy's council, was the alleged inner circle of Sauron, supposedly consisting of his most valuable servants: stewards (or puppet-rulers), confidantes, ambassadors, preachers and commanders of legions. The Black Council would essentially be a twisted counterpart to the White Council of the Free Peoples.
Though its existence was never confirmed, the Wise suspected that many of the Enemy's foremost pawns were counted within the Black Council. They also believed that, rather than being solely handpicked as a reward for their loyalty, some members (chiefly corrupted Maiar) were chosen based on their usefulness; even if the Dark Lord would ultimately discard these instruments. The group could not have been created earlier than the War of the Elves and Sauron: the defeat at the Gwathló presumably convinced Sauron both of his vulnerability (while embodied) and the need to delegate government of his armies and dominions. The Black Council would make the Dark Lord's direct involvement redundant, as it would receive his instructions and act out his will. Whatever the case, the frictions between its members, or rare cases of attempted usurpation and betrayal, reduced the coherence of such a group, especially when Sauron was absent (such as during his stay in Númenor), when his arm could not reach the "rebels" and punish them or when his attention was otherwise distracted.
After the final overthrow of the Dark Lord in the War of the Ring, the Black Council dissipated into thin air. The assumed members that outlived Sauron regressed to squabbling warlords, diadochs and small factions (the Black Cartel, the Derngorgor, the Snaga Lords etc.), each struggling to maintain petty dominions and realms as Sauron's regents. Aside from warring with one another, these thanes of the Dark Lord continued the hostilities against Free Folk, especially Men, whose age was at hand. The Cult of Herumor, a secret society that encouraged Dark worship in Gondor, might have been been a front for some remnants of the Black Council, or possessed links to them.
Assumed members[]
- Black Captains
- Abârnarû - Hammer of Sauron
- Nâloatârik - Black Hand of Sauron
- Ugruzîr - Tower of Sauron
- Gúrzyul
- Agandâur - Steward of Carn Dûm (TA 3018-3019)
- Arnûben - Mouth of Sauron (SA 2251-3441)
- Dulgabêth - Mouth of Sauron (essence)
- Imrazim - Spy-Master
- Karazgar - Dragon-Tamer
- Mordú - Mouth of Sauron (TA 2950-3019)
- Mûrakali - Mouth of Sauron (TA 1000-1440)
- Rukhor - Chief of Lhingroth
- Ugrukhôr - Lord of Udûn
- Urudanî - Steward of Nargroth
- Urzahil - Mouth of Sauron (TA 1450-2941)
- Zimtârik - Master of Arms
- Nazgûl
- Dûrba-Hai
- Ashdurbúki
- Serpent-Lords
- Cult Figures
- Bolvag I - Priest of Mordor
- Bolvag II - Priest of Mordor
- Bolvag III - Priest of Mordor
- Gundurznâkh - Priest of Dír
- Karagat - Priest of Gundabad
- Kargî - Priest of Rhûn
- Kimilkhôr - Prophet of Umbar
- Lhachglín - Priest of Taur-nu-Fuin
- Maben - Priest of Dunfearn
- Maíb-Dâmak - Priest of Far Harad
- Mônarlan - Prophet of Wômawas Drûs
- Storlaga - Priest of Forodwaith
- Yazhgar - Priest of Goblin-town
- Other notables
- Bessamarth - Lady of Azan-zâram
- Borangos - Lord of Nargroth
- Bountîg - Dragon-Ruler of the East (TA 2748-2801)
- Fankil - Lord of Illuin Bay
- Gothmog - Warlord of Gorgoroth
- Herumor - Lord of Umbar
- Kârarog - Castellan of Carvarad
- Lhaereth - Lady of Seregost
- Mordirith - Steward of Carn Dûm (TA 3014-3018)
- Oraishapek - Warlord of Palisor
- Saruman - Lord of Isengard