The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
Boromir: "Is it not a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt for so small a thing? So small a thing!"
- J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring II:10

Bhrôm (Hl. "Endurer") (FA ca. 100) was a Dwarf of Baruzkhizdîn and a descendant of Frôm and Zrîm. He was a Dwarven Magician, and was slain by his own brother Brôv Grimfist for his heirloom, the Warhammer Narkbarath.


  • The spelling of some names has been altered here to move away from pseudo-old Norse names, which represent the language of northern Rhovanion and would have been unknown to the eastern Dwarves.
    Original forms:
    • Brór → Brôv
    • BrórinBhrôm
    • Fróm → Frôm
    • Morsereg → Narkbarath
    • Ruuriik → Rûrîk
    • Tumunmahal → Tumunamahal
    • Zrím → Zrîm
  • In Lords of Middle-earth III, Brórin's home is given as Tumunmahal, this is however in conflict with the chronology of both Rûrîk and the Petty-dwarves.