The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Bhaltair (Bl. "Host-ruler") was a hill-chief of the Hillmen of Rhudaur who was in secret allegiance with the Witch-king of Angmar. He considered himself King of Rhudaur. With his death and the fall of Angmar, the last remnants of the old Dúnadan Kingdom finally ended, and no later lord or local chieftain again claimed the title of King of Rhudaur anymore.


  • The original form of the name as used in BFME was "Hwaldar". The name Hwaldar is not derived from Welsh or Gaelic like most other Hillman names but seems to be a variant of the Anglo-Saxon name Waldhar, "army ruler, folk ruler", or maybe Wealdor, "Someone who lives in or near a forest or wilderness". The name Hwaldar should maybe taken as a Westron form. Here instead Scottish/Gaelic rendering of the name Walter is proposed, going with the standard of using Scottish/Gaelic as a stand-in for the Hillman dialect, as supposed in LOTRO and many MERP and MECCG releases.