Bertan "Bert" Greenshin was a Hobbit of the Shire and master of his own farm outside the village of Nobottle. He was the second husband of Molliwara Bophîn, and was even better at magic than his wife. In his time he may have been be the best alchemist and herbalist between Fornost and Tharbad, but did done an excellent job of keeping it a secret. Gandalf, a regular visitor to the Greenshin Farm, had never discovered where Bert had learned his trade, but trusted Molly would keep her husband from doing anything foolish. When the creeping apaysia outside Molly's door actually started to creep, she knew Bert had gone too far.
Maitlow Tucktom, a Hobbit of Beeching Cross, believed Bert to have been secretly one of the Cor Mergylair, and suspected him of plotting against him.
- MERP #2017: The Shire