Berk the Gatekeeper was a Stone-troll who lived somewhere near the Great East Road. Signs of his territory were plain to those who looked: beech trees and pines knocked over or torn from their roots and scattered along the road on a stretch where the hillside rose up to the north and dropped steeply to the south. Berk sometimes piled up the trees across the road as a barricade to force travellers to stop and move them. When Berk’s luck held, their work lasted till dark, or even better the travellers camped there for the night, and he could emerge and pillage.
Berk was quite proud of his scheme. He was even prouder of his home: a troll-hole where the three Trolls lurked before they got themselves turned to stone a few years ago. Berk was a Greater Stone Troll. He did not always tend his gate and sometimes when hunger drove him he ranged far from his troll-hole in search of fresh meat. Without a hiding place to retreat to, he would exhibit Great Might in his fear and anger.
- Adventures in Middle-earth: Rivendell Region Guide
- TOR Characters