The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Beregor (S. "Valiant-man"?) was a Prince of Rhudaur and a son of its last Dúnadan King, Elegost. Despite much support by the Dúnadan nobility of Arthedain, he was never able to seize the crown, and various claimants fought for the throne until Broccach, a man of mixed Dúnadan-Hillman descent who claimed to be a grandson of Elegost, seized the throne by support of Angmar. All attempts to place Beregor's supposed grandson Arfanhil or the half-Northron Warrior-Queen Vulvrithona on the throne of Rhudaur failed, and there never again was a King of Rhudaur who was acknowledged by the other Dúnadan lords or Kingdoms. The Kingdom of Rhudaur was ever after ruled by Kings of the Hillmen, until the Kingdom of Rhudaur faded with the fall of Angmar and the last Hillman King Bhaltair.
