Baradhrim (S. "Swarthy people") or Swarthy Men was a term applied by the Elves to several clans of Easterlings who entered Beleriand in the First Age.
The Baradhrim were survivors of those men who rose against the Dark Worship in Hildorien, as were the Edain of the Three Houses. However, they were closely related to the later Easterlings, especially the Talataerim and the eastern Fale.
The two most important clans or groups among these Baradhrim were the Bórians and the Uldorians (or Uldorim), the latter of whom became also known as the Ulbandim (or Wolf-folk).
After the drowning of Beleriand, the surviving Baradhrim settled in the north of Eriador or fled to the lands surrounding the Rhûnaer, making themselves overlords of formerly independent kinsmen.
The Szreldor and Vulszev were two of those clans who settled around the lands of the Rhûnaer. It has been debated if the surviving Bórians may have been the ancestors of the Forodwaith, the Hillmen of Rhudaur, or the folk of Angmar.
The Baradhrim were small, hirsute and stout, with swarthy or yellowish complexion and dark hair.
The Baradhrim had ancient ties to the eastern Khazâd tribes, learning their smithcraft and influenced by their language. Later, the House of Uldor befriended the Orcs of Morgoth and adopted some of their customs, such as breeding dogs of war, slavery, and manhunting. They lived mostly in large wooden halls, sometimes collected into larger wooden settlements. They had once revered the "Voice" (Eru), but later fell to serve the "Great Man" (Morgoth). Although most of them had rebelled against the Dark Worship, the House of Uldor later fell back into their old ways.
The language of these peoples was called Baradhrin (q.v.).
- Original word-forms in MERP: Baradhrim