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Great sea of Belegaer by Pathfinder vol 2

Great Sea of Belegaer


The Belegaer seen from Menel


The Great Voyages

The Great Sea or Belegaer (S. "Great Sea"; Os. Mbelkaer, Q. Valcayar; Ad. Azrûrâ Azra) was originally the large ocean between Middle-earth and Aman to the west, when the surface of Arda was flat. After the cataclysm near the end of the Second Age, when the surface of the World was bent and Aman removed from the circles of Arda, Belegaer separated Middle-earth from the New Lands.

Warm currents flowed from the equatorial regions of the sea north along the coast, warming the coast of Lindon and the remnants of Beleriand. Below the sea lay the lowlands of Beleriand, site of the most important events of the First Age. Notoriously rough waters and fear of the unknown limited the voyages of Men upon Belegaer to no farther than eyeshot from the coastline. Gone were the days of the fearless Númenóreans, who would sail for weeks out of sight of land. Only the Elves regularly headed West over the horizon, for there lay the Straight Road to the Undying Lands of Valinor, forever closed to Mortal Men. Nonetheless, traffic on the Great Sea was quite common, for it was a highway to distant lands far easier and safer to traverse than the inland routes.

Wild tales abounded about the lands to the Far West, which Eärendil and the Númenóreans had explored in past centuries. To the North, the Sea was choked with ice, the home of whales and seals. Underneath the northern expanse of Belegaer lay the ruins of Beleriand, and beneath its midst was the sunken isle of Númenor, both gone forever from the sight of Men. Currents flowed north up the coast of Lindon and were often warmer than the surrounding waters.



Isles of the Belegaer - topic map

Burning Waste Cursed Isles Dark Regions Deep Sea-HouseEnchanted Isles Eneadur Fire Mountains Gates of Aman Great Shadows Greenlands Harbourless Isles Helcaraxe Himling Home of Night Icelands Icy Seas Islands of the South Isle of Balar Isle of the Old Man Isles of the Dead that Live Isles of Harad Isle of Iverin Isle of Seabirds Isles of Sirion Isle of Ungolianth Islets Forlorn Land of Magic Land of Strange Men Lost Westerfalm Magic Isles Nether Heats Northern Waters Númenor Oiomúre Outer Lands Pelican Islands Pharazain Red Sea Ruaival Sad Isle Shadowy Isles Shining Isles Taras Tarthir Tol Eresseä Tol Fuin Tol Glingal Tol Meneltarma Tol Morwen Tol Ramdal Tol Thúle Tol Uialgaer Tol Uinen Twilit isles Tyl Andram Tyl Gorgoroth Tyl Lomin Tyl Wethrin Tyl Winion Western Isles Vanwa Atalantë Wild Isles



Falmarini Ice-Demons Manir Oarni Phantoms Serpent-demons Suruli Wingildi




Falathrim Falmari Noldor Vanyar


Atalantedain Black Númenóreans Corsairs Eneathrim Eriadorians Gondorians Haradrim Kedama Lossoth Men of the southern Isles Yem-Rukha


Krals Ogres Sea-Orcs Sea Trolls


Ents Sea-Giants


Amillo Nenseld Nose of the Sea The Great Ocean Sunfish Osse Salmar Uin Uinen Ulmo Ungolianth


Cranes Deep-Turtles Elven Horses Fastitokalons Flood-Lizards Giant Clams Giant leeches Great Eagles Honeybees King crabs Lingwiloki Merchaithrais Mosquitos Sea-crocodiles Sea-eagles Seagulls Sea-Snakes Sea-Turtles Seals Sharks Spider-Demons Squids Stormwings Ulmo´s cursed creature Ulmondili Vessino Clams Walruses Whales Wyg
