Beleg I was a wealthy man of Gondor who in the 13th century T.A. made a fortune buying land outside the town of Caras Gwindor on the border of Dagorlad and the Dead Marshes and later selling it to would-be farmers who settled nearby.Beleg decided to settle in town and form a militia instead of setting up a fief estate.The militia was disbanded by council vote in 1531, as Belegorn , heir of the House of Beleg in that time was using it to extort money from the townsfolk. The charismatic house of Beleg soon recouped its prestige and its sons began to be elected council members and later, Headmen again.The Headman of Caras Gwindor came from the House of Beleg for further 73 years and it's heirs always bore the name of Beleg or Belegorn.
- MERP:Dagorlad and the Dead Marshes