The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
Boromir: "Is it not a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt for so small a thing? So small a thing!"
- J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring II:10

Belechael (S. from beleg + sael: "Mighty [and] Wise") was an Aroquen or royal Knight and a Hando (Legate) of Celossien, the fourth district of Lebennin, those lands between the Sirith and the Gilrain. Belechael ruled from the Fortress of Minas Brethil.

Smallfolk called Belechael "the Dwarf", although they would never dare say that to his face. Belechael was short, loud, stubborn, some said like a dwarf, prideful, and had a strong dislike of magic. Belechael was a middle-aged man (for a Dúnadan) of seventy years old, had a knotty black beard peppered with gray, and was a bit overweight. But Belechael was one of the best Sea-captains Gondor had. In his younger days, he acted as a privateer, raiding the Harad coast. In T.A. 1640-1650 he headed House Celossien, and acted as legate for the King. He operated a small fleet of warships to combat Corsairs. He was on good terms with Dunsûl of House Lebennivet (the two served together in the Royal Navy), and with Dromil of House Telegar. He had a brother, Belechor, and an only son, Sammathir.


  • Gauntlet of Fire
  • +10 Spear of Dragon-slaying


  • MERP #4000: Northwestern Middle-earth Campaign Atlas
  • MERP #4002: Northwestern Middle-earth Gazetteer
  • MERP #3400: Sea-lords of Gondor
  • MERP Fan Modules: Nobles of Gondor, by Daniel Myers