The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
Battle of Dagorlad

S.A. 3434
Good Factions
Evil Factions
Good Characters
Evil Characters
Mordor: Witch-king, Khamûl, Dwâr, Khôrahil, Adûnabêth, Hôarmûrath, Indûr, Rên, Ûvatha, & Mouth of Sauron

Harad/Umbar/Utter South: Adûntârik, Akallazor, Kathôl†, Fuinur, Herumor, Imrazim, Kimilkhôr, Marakin, Mûrakir, Râza, Sakaladûn, Sawda, Hannad, Nizar, & Amr, Zimtârik

Rhûn: Mônarlan, Din Ohtar, Oraishapek, Kustîg, Kemik, Yilkiz, Tîgeke, Yileke, Yaban, & Kargî

Khand: Yumruk, Sacal

Gamil-Nâla (Ironfists): Ôrn the Ugly† & Buldin
Good Numbers
No information
Evil Numbers
No information
Followed by
† = killed in action
(N) = non-canon

The Battle of Dagorlad was a great battle that took place on Dagorlad and in the adjacent Dead Marshes near Mordor, near the end of the Second Age, during the War of the Last Alliance. It was here that Amdír Malgalad and Oropher fell in battle: Oropher rashly charged the enemy and Amdir sought to back him up; both kings were slain as they were cut off from their main forces. The victory was won for good but at a terrible cost, and the Last Alliance's forces pressed on to the Siege of Barad-dûr. Many of the evil commanders were slain at this battle as well.
