A Battle-Axe
A battle-axe is an axe specifically designed as a weapon and generally far less in weigh than a wood axe or other types of working-axes. There are smaller one-handed and larger two-handed great axes; battle-axes designed especially as projectile weapons are called throwing axes. In Middle-earth battle-axes are used by the Black Númenóreans, Dorwinrim, Dwarves, Half-elves, and the Umli.
Types of battle axes included:
- Barkâta
- Bastard axe
- Baw (a Dunnish axe)
- Beard axe
- Cabis (a kind of throwing axe)
- Double Axe
- Halberd (Axe attached to a staff used as a pole arm)
- Hathol
- Pelech (A light battle-axe of the Sindar)
- Tunnel axe
The ice axe, handaxe, hatchet, and Woodman's axe are not battle axes, even if sometimes used as weapons.