Map of Barl Syrnac and surrounding lands (MERP)
The Barl Syrnac (Syr. "Deeps of Blue Mist", originally referring to the bays and peninsulas of the Mur Fostisyr, not the Mountains themselves; Av. 'iulûi'ugni'sde) were an eastern branch of the Iron Mountains, comprising great glaciers and snowcapped peaks (the highest peaks reaching roughly 5000 meters), raised by Morgoth to protect his fortress of Utumno. These glistening spires inadvertently protected the more temperate coastal taiga to the east from the harsh winds of the Forodwaith. Great evergreen forests covered much of the taiga, especially in the coves and bays of the Sea of Illuin. Traditionally, the Barl Syrnac was divided into three different regions: Azjan (called by Dyrian and Mornerin "the Land of Evil Spirit"); Ukal Sêj ("the River's double Bay"); and the Forest of Dyr.
Azjan was rather rugged and inhospitable. There were few forests, several secondary chain peaks, coastal sharp cliffs, and taiga plains. This land was usually avoided, except by fools, as it had been here that Morgoth and his evil servants had originally established themselves. According to Dyrian tales, the evil servants were still there, the most feared being Gostir, a pure white Cold-drake, the ancient "Dread-glance" of Dyrian legend, and perhaps some deadly spirits of cold or fire.
Ukal Sêj and Dyr[]
In Ukal Sêj, there were more than ten great rivers that had their source in the Barl Syrnac. The most important river was the Lusraig (Lo. "Colored Reddish Foam River"), the longest in all Ukal-Sêj, named for the reddish colour of the waters, that had their source near the secret Cave of Gostir. A local tale said that one must not cross the Lusraig river, for it represented the drake domain's entry. Most rivers were not named, as they were very short in length. Some rivers were named in honor of Dyrian or Mornârin gods. The mountains here were rich in minerals, such as clay, granite, sandstone, and copper. There were several little bays, taiga plains, and forests with blooming flora and fauna. The wide valley was the most rich and populated area of all Barl Syrnac, and furthermore suited for agriculture (cereals). The sea was extremely rich in fish and crustaceans, the fauna with game and cattle, and the valley in medicinal and nutritive plants. That was why both the Dyrian and the Môrnarin exiles built several permanent settlements near the coasts. Another reason was that this enabled them to better resist against Lothraghi and Orc assaults. The most important sites were Olyavud (Dy. "Mountain Graceful Village"), carefully protected in the mountains by frequent patrols and arranged traps, near river Uskäd (Dy. "The River of Destiny"); Elyamû, near Dyr forest; and Yjuvït, at the mouth of river Lusraig. The woodland of Dyr stretched between the western bank of the Ujelsha River, a spur of the Iron Mountains, and the little Nojdä River, which was rich in clay and in copper. Formerly inhabited by the Dyrians, there were still in Dyr some abandoned villages, occasionally occupied by marauders, Lothragh raiders, and Orcs. This vast and wild dark taiga was later occupied by two tribes of the Fustir-Gost, who were avoided by the Lothragh raiders.
- Buzan
- Elyamû
- Sigal-Nâra
- Siida
- Olyavud
- Yjuvït

Barl Syrnac and neighbouring regions - topographic map
Regions and points of interest[]
- Azjan
- Dyr
- Ukal Sêj
Points of interest[]
- Akgundîm
- Azarirthônlôni
- Cave of Gostir
- Forest of Dyr
- Gulkaju
- Hollow Spire
- Kibil-tarag
- Kivataa Illugasatjuat
- Lusraig River
- Mirror Halls
- Mount Utumno
- Nojdä River
- Tomb of Kort Wâl
- Ujelsha River
- Ûlish
- Umata
- Uskäd River
- The Guild Companion: Gazetteer of Endor, Eric Dubourg and Gabriele Quaglia