The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Baranor of Erech (S. "Eager-fire"?), Magician and dealer in Magic Goods, was a pompous and vain man who liked to collect unusual items, be they enchanted or simply commonplace. His collection of old Daen Coentis cloisonné work was rumored to be spectacular. However, no one ever had seen any of it, except for a presumably magical belt buckle which he always wore. He was rather hasty and easily swayed by flattery. His subdued sympathies for Lord Arador were natural; Baranor, after all, had a similar personality. A tall, handsome man with bright green eyes, his black hair was greying at the temples. Baranor betrayed his preoccupation with aging, yet he remained devoted to his wife and their two sons, one of whom was studying magic with his father. The family lived in a modest house on Castle Road (Sarn Erech), directly below the fortress.
