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The New Notion Club Archives

Barahir (S. "Fiery-lord") was the son of Bregor of Dorthonion, Chieftain of the House of Beor and Lord of the First House of the Edain, and last ruler of Dorthonion. His heroism saved the Elf-king Finrod Felagund during the Dagor Bragollach and, in return, Barahir received the ring that became known as the Ring of Barahir. The husband of Emeldir the Manhearted and father of Beren Ercharmion, he lived apart from his family during the guerilla war he waged against Morgoth in his last years. His twelve-man company raided behind the Black Enemy's lines from their base at Tarn Aeluin. Barahir's force gradually dwindled and finally dissolved when the rogue leader died as a result of the treachery of Gorlim the Unhappy, one of Barahir's own outlaws.

Other Names[]

  • Egnor
  • Rog the Fleet


  • Barahir's Ring
  • Staff of the Bëor - a simple wooden staff carved with symbols, sign of the political leadership and hereditary item of the House of Bëor


  • lordly, noble appearance
  • red-brown hair