Barad Heledh
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Ruins of Barad Heledh in TA 3018 (LotRO)
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Bothroth and Barad Heledh on Fornthor (MERP)
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Township and Tower
Barad Heledh (S. "Tower [of] Glass") was an observatory and later a town of Eketyanórë in Arthedain. It lay in the Hills of Evendim north of Nenuial on the stream Fornthor, about sixty miles north of Annúminas. The town had a quite large population of 2,600 in TA 250. However its population declined after the mid Third Age, and the settlement was eventually abandoned by TA 1970.
- Original form in Other Minds Magazine:
Heleb→ Heledh = Barad Heledh
In the 2012 version of his article Population and Urbanization in Eriador, Thomas Morwinsky relocates "Heleb" in the Rammas Formen (possibly roughly equivalent to LotRO's Jä-Reitti), while not assigning a new designation to the location identified as "Heleb" in the previous version (published in Other Minds Magazine #13).
- Population and Urbanization in Eriador, by Thomas Morwinsky (published in Other Minds Magazine Issue 13)