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Barad Eithel

Barad eithel

"The fortress Barad Eithel of the High King Fingolfin"
by Matěj Čadil (WikiMedia Commons)


Barad Eithel (S. "Tower of the Well") was the great fortress at Eithel Sirion. It was the most important citadel of Fingolfin and Fingon the Valiant and defended Hithlum as well as providing shelter for Noldorin raids and patrols into Ard-galen.

It was an impressive structure built high into the eastern cliffs of the Ered Wethrin, hard to reach by any attacker. It was not only held by Noldorin heavy cavalry and heavy infantry but also Adan auxiliaries from the House of Hador. The fortress was finally destroyed 1.A. 472 during the Nirnaeth Arnoediad.


Fingolfin Fingon the Valiant Galdor the Tall Gundor son of Hador Hador Lórindol Rochallor
