Tower of Dirdabor
Barad Dirdabór (S."Tower of the faithful man") was a Township and Lighthouse of Ethir Gwathló in Cardolan.It lay on a cape in the very center of the coastlands of Minhiriath about fifty miles south of Rast Vorn.The town had a quite large populatin of 4,200 in TA 250.However it's population declined after the mid-Third Age and the settlement was eventually abandoned by TA 1640.
- Original form: Dirdabor = Barad Dirdabór
- In the 2012 version of his article Population and Urbanization in Eriador, Thomas Morwinsky uses the name "Dolbralnan" for the settlement previously named "Dirdabor" while he does reassign the name "Dirdabor" to a previously unnamed settlement on a tributary to the lower Gwathló (published in Other Minds Magazine #13).
- "Dirdabor also could represent an "untranslated" Pre-númenórean name, but during the height of Dúnadan rule it certainly would have had a Sindarin or earlier a Quenya name.
- Population and Urbanization in Eriador by Thomas Morwinsky (published in Other Minds Magazine #13)