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The New Notion Club Archives


Location of Bar-en-Nibin-noeg on Amon Rûdh (lower right)

Bar-en-Nibin-noeg (S. "House of the Petty-dwarves"), also Bar-en-Danwedh (S. "House of Ransom"), later named by Túrin Turambar Echad i Sedryn (S. "Camp of the Faithful").

Bar-en-Nibin-noeg was located in central Beleriand, within the Bald Hill (S: Amon Rûdh; Kh: Sharbhund), on the Guarded Plain (S: Talath Dirnen).

It was the home of a colony of Petty-dwarves, who lived in this underground complex inside the hill. Founded in Y.T. 1371 (1.A. -1236), shortly after abandonment of Nulukkhizdîn (Nargothrond) in Y.T. 1369 (1.A. -1255), and abandoned in turn in 1.A. 489 after it was sacked by Orcs of Morgoth.

At one time, the Petty-dwarves seem to have been quite populous in Beleriand, at least in the regions between the rivers Narog and Sirion. By the later First Age, though, their numbers had dwindled until only one of their settlements remained. That was the dwelling of Mîm and his two sons (Ibun and Khîm) within Amon Rûdh, and its name was Bar-en-Nibin-noeg, meaning simply 'House of the Petty-dwarves'.

The name of the house was changed after Mîm was captured by Túrin and his outlaws. Mîm offered shelter in his hidden halls as ransom for his release, and after that time his house was no longer known as Bar-en-Nibin-noeg, but as Bar-en-Danwedh, 'House of Ransom'.

Túrin and the outlaws stayed for more than a year in Bar-en-Danwedh, where they were joined by Beleg Strongbow out of Doriath. They defended the lands around against Melkor's forces, and became so famous in that region that they gained a following, with Túrin and Beleg coming to be known as the Two Captains, the House as Echad i Sedryn, and the region as Dor-Cúarthol (S. "Land [of] Bow-and-helm"). In the end, though, disaster struck: Mîm betrayed them to the Orcs, who slew the outlaws and captured Túrin in a net. Beleg survived, and Mîm fled from him to Nargothrond, never to return to his old House of Ransom on Amon Rûdh.


  • Named Ruzandum in Other Minds Magazine, Issue 4, July 2008: A Brief History of the Dwarven Mansions, presumably it is the Khuzdul name for Bar-en-Nibin-noeg.

