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The New Notion Club Archives
Hendaerond Labeled Revised
Hendaerond at Bar-en-Hendaer
Other names Zadan n'Agannâlu
Type Monastery/seminary
Location Nan Siring, Rhudaur
Realm Rhudaur
Founded ca. T.A. 1550
Ruler Dolgubâr (ca. T.A. 1640)
Summary A sanctuary dedicated to Dark Worship
Inhabitants Hillmen of Rhudaur
Language(s) Blarm; Black Speech
Lifespan ?

Bar-en-Hendaer (S. "Dwelling/House of the Great Eye"; Bl. Ot na Sul Mor; Ad. Zadan n'Agannâlu = "House of Death-shadow") was a sanctuary (monastery/seminary) dedicated to Dark Worship, located on Amon Ereb in the Nan Siring, Coldfells, of Rhudaur. The main building was called Kil na Sul Mor (Bl. "Temple of the Great Eye"; S. Hendaerond).

T.A. 1640-1650[]

The Elves of Rivendell and the Dúnedain of the North had long known that the Witch-king of Angmar had spread his evil influence into Rhudaur, corrupting the Hillmen who dominated it. Not long before they had become aware that a secret sanctuary dedicated to Dark Worship had been established in the remote Coldfells of Rhudaur, but had thus far discovered little more about it. Recently there had also been a notable increase in Hillmen raids taking prisoners, which the Elves had tracked to Nan Siring (aka Nan Guruthos), the location of the shrine.

Zadan n'Agannâlu (Bar-en-Hendaer) was founded about T.A. 1550 as a clandestine monastery/seminary for Dark Worship (the nascent Cult of the Eye). This facility represented a substantial investment for the Witch-king, and was expected to expand greatly. The main functions of this seminary were to train Hillmen priests in the Dark Religion; and breeding experiments, which were conducted with wanton depravity. Subjects were criminals or prisoners taken in raids, who were kept in abject misery and forced to work menial jobs – until they no longer could work and became experiments. High mortality and thus high turnover necessitated a steady supply of new captives.

The monastery/seminary was in T.A. 1640-1650 headed by a Black Númenórean (epithet: Dolgubâr) Sorcerer-Priest from the far south of Middle-earth. The rest of the monk-priests were male Easterlings. The Hillmen of Rhudaur had no priestly tradition, so as yet there were only four acolytes, all male priests. The facility boasted about a dozen support personnel (all male Hillmen of Rhudaur) – the place had to be self-sufficient. Due to its remoteness, there was minimal security (only 8 guards plus a leader, all male Hillmen). Only males were allowed in Zadan n'Agannâlu. This was for purely practical purposes, to reduce distractions.

The main temple (Hendaerond) of Bar-en-Hendaer was shaped like a stylized eye, with an altar at the center on a raised chancel (the "pupil"), surrounded by a domed (with oculus) circular area for worshipers paved in colored tile (the "iris"), and two triangular side areas (the "corners of the eye").


Dolgubâr Krum Shom


The place seems to be identical with MERPs Cerin Iaur.

