The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

One name every little Hobbitling learned early was that of the great hero Bandobras "Bullroarer" Took, the leader and victor of the epic Battle of Greenfields and the husband of Mayflower Took. The Hobbits did not care that the Big People were singularly unimpressed with the battle, which they called a skirmish. To the Hobbits, Greenfields was epic, and so were Bullroarer's feats there. Indeed, Bandobras Took was the most notable Hobbit before the War of the Ring. He was the second son of Thain Isengrim II, and noteworthy for his size, standing 4'5" tall. He was so large he was able to ride a horse. Bandobras was the largest Hobbit ever before Merry and Pippin drank the Ent-draughts (and so he remains the third largest Hobbit of all time). He was also the first Hobbit in recorded history to lead and fight (while winning) a battle, that called the Battle of Greenfields in T.A. 2747. In that conflict, raiding Orcs led by Golfimbul of Mount Gram had invaded the Northfarthing. Bandobras beheaded Golfimbul with his club, and the other Orcs, leaderless, were routed. The grateful Hobbits gave Bandobras the complimentary nick-name of "Bullroarer." Incidental to Bullroarer's victory, the Orc-leader's head rolled off his shoulders into a hole, and so inspired the game of Golf, named in the Orc-leader's memory. In later days, a golfing contest was held on that field in which Greenfield's Green Jacket was awarded to the winner.
Bandobras' descendants included the North-tooks who lived in Long Cleeve. These Hobbits included Mistress Diamond who became the wife of Peregrin Took, a long-time admirer of the Bullroarer.

Important Dates: born T.A. 2704; Battle of Greenfields T.A. 2747; died T.A. 2806.

Principal Items[]

  • Club — called by Bandobras "Driver", an oversized club, a two-handed weapon for any Hobbit with enough strength to wield it at all. Engraved on the end was a large number 1.
  • Horn — "the Bullroarer", a very distinctive throaty bull's horn, able to be heard on a clear day for more than a mile. The horn encouraged the morale of Hobbits and discouraged the morale of Orc forces of less than 500 members.


  • MERP: Lords of Middle-earth Vol. III - Hobbits, Dwarves, Ents, Orcs & Trolls