The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Seventy miles west and slightly north of Tirith Limlight near the trail leading to Tirith Anduin was the hold of a small group of bandits that lived off of the traveling merchants. Their hold consisted of a set of caves that reached back into a hillside faceing west. The caves had been made liveable and the bandits were fairly comfortable although pickings had been rather slim as of late. On the far side of the hill they had constructed a small garden where the women grew a few vegetables to supplement their diets. There were seven bandits that made their home here and four women. Their leader was a Half-northman, Half-dúnadan named Hundin, who used to be a soldier at a Gondorian outpost across the river. He wa bright and crafty as a bandit, but had had disappointing results so far. He had plans to build some small boats to use in harassing the river merchants because the river was only 10 miles away. He also had plans to expand his garden and started raising some sheep on his own, and the thought had surfaced in the back of his mind of quitting the bandit business and becoming legitimate, but so far he had not listened to it. The other bandits were a diversified lot of ex-military men, farmers, and rogues that just happened to fall in with the group. Although they did not know it, there was another cave behind the ones that they were presently using. It was the tomb of some Númenórean explorers, and contained enough wealth in items and gems that the bandits would never have to steal again if they were to find the cave. It was ironic that although they were only five feet from the wealth they wished for, they had to range up to 20 miles away just to make ends meet.

