Bôla (Or."snowing one" or "Snow-maker") was the mother of Bolg the Strong and self-proclaimed leader of Gundabad after the fall of her son. Bôla had mated and conceived Bolg sometime during the Third Age. The mother of Bolg wept not for her son's death nor did she shed a tear for Azog the Defiler's death. Instead she took it upon herself to become a great warrior and lead the shattered forces of Gundabad.
Bôla was cruel, apathetic, and greedy. She lusted for power and gained an elevated position in the ranks of her fellow orcs. She seized power the moment her son died and she became a tyrant equal in wrath, but more in cunning than her son or lover, Azog.
Original form:Bola = Bôla
Fanfic: Shadow of the Moon By: Orquwen