Bëor (Tal. "Vassal") the Old was the first Lord of the First Adan House, Born Balan (Tal. "Man of the gods"), he led his people into Beleriand. There, he befriended the Noldor Elf-king Finrod of Nargothrond. After he entered the service of Finrod, he became known as Bëor. Although he was only 48 at the time, Balan abdicated his lordship in favor of his son Baran in order to aid the Eldar. His was the oldest and noblest line among the Edain.
- Bëor's Harp - A primitive wooden harp, hereditary item of the House of Bëor.
- five Books of Bëor - A collection of writings concerned with history and myth of the Edain authored or commissioned by Bëor in Nargothrond. Later lost and considered sacred heirlooms of Númenor.
- Staff of Bëor - A simple wooden staff carved with symbols, symbol of the political leadership and hereditary item of the House of Bëor.
- Stole of the Wise - A simple woolen Stole decorated with scenes from the History of the Edain, symbol of spiritual leadership and hereditary item of the House of Bëor.